C-P-T Fractionalization, and Quantum Criticality Beyond the Standard Model

10/15/2021 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Member Seminar

Speaker: Juven Wang

Title: C-P-T Fractionalization, and Quantum Criticality Beyond the Standard Model

Abstract: Discrete spacetime symmetries of parity P or reflection R, and time-reversal T, act naively as a Z2-involution on the spacetime coordinates; but together with a charge conjugation C and the fermion parity (−1)^F, these symmetries can be further fractionalized forming nonabelian C-P-R-T-(−1)^F group structures, in various examples such as relativistic Lorentz invariant Dirac spinor quantum field theories (QFT), or nonrelativistic quantum many-body systems (involving Majorana zero modes). This result answers Prof. Shing-Tung Yau’s question on “Can C-P-T symmetries be fractionalized more than involutions?” based on arxiv:2109.15320.

In the second part of my talk, I will sketch to explain how can we modify the so(10) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) by adding a new topological term such that two GUTs of Georgi-Glashow and Pati-Salam can smoother into each other in a quantum phase transition, where the Standard Model and new dark sector physics can occur naturally near the critical region. The new modified so(10) GUT requires a double Spin structure that we name DSpin. This phenomenon is inspired by the “deconfined quantum criticality” in condensed matter. Based on arxiv:2106.16248.