Calendar of Events
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2 events,
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar Location: BHI Seminar Room Speaker: Uri Kol, Harvard CMSA Title: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics Abstract: Black hole perturbation theory captures a few important effects […]
A homotopy of 2d SCFTs and an implication for Topological Modular Forms
A homotopy of 2d SCFTs and an implication for Topological Modular Forms
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Vivek Saxena (YITP Stony Brook and NHETC Rutgers) Title: A homotopy of 2d SCFTs and an implication for Topological Modular Forms Abstract: […]
1 event,
Review of the excision property in factorization homology
Review of the excision property in factorization homology
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Keyou Zeng, Harvard CMSA Title: Review of the excision property in factorization homology
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2 events,
Stochastic Process and Noncommutative Geometry
Stochastic Process and Noncommutative Geometry
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Zichang Wang (Tsinghua University) Title: Stochastic Process and Noncommutative Geometry Abstract: We explain a stochastic approach to topological field theory and present a case study of […]
CMSA/MATH Welcome Back Gathering
CMSA/MATH Welcome Back Gathering
Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 4:00 pm All CMSA and Math affiliates are invited.
1 event,
Smooth projective fibrations over the projective line and their sections
Smooth projective fibrations over the projective line and their sections
Member Seminar Speaker: Iacopo Brivio Title: Smooth projective fibrations over the projective line and their sections Abstract: Suppose $f\colon X\to \mathbf{CP}^1$ is a smooth projective fibration, is it then true that $f$ has […]
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0 events,
2 events,
Rational approximation and the AAA algorithm
Rational approximation and the AAA algorithm
Colloquium Speaker: Nick Trefethen, Harvard University Title: Rational approximation and the AAA algorithm Approximation by rational functions used to be mainly a theoretical subject, but with the introduction of the […]
Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra UnificationÂ
Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra UnificationÂ
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Juven Wang (LIMS, Royal Institution) Title: Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra Unification Abstract:Â We propose a new mechanism for leptogenesis, named Topological […]
2 events,
The mass angular momentum inequality
The mass angular momentum inequality
General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Gilbert Weinstein, Ariel University Title: The mass angular momentum inequality Abstract: We show that either there is a counterexample to black hole uniqueness, in the form […]
Blob homology
Blob homology
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Sunghyuk Park, Harvard CMSA Title: Blob homology
1 event,
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Subir Sachdev
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Subir Sachdev
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker:Â Subir Sachdev, Harvard University Topic:Â What is a quantum critical region?
1 event,
Quantum algebras and R-matrices from the equivariant affine Grassmannians
Quantum algebras and R-matrices from the equivariant affine Grassmannians
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Wenjun Niu, Perimeter Institute Title: Quantum algebras and R-matrices from the equivariant affine Grassmannians Abstract: In this talk, I will explain my joint […]
1 event,
Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?
Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?
Freedman CMSA Seminar *via Zoom* Speaker: Sergey Melikhov, Steklov Math Institute Title:Â Is every knot isotopic to the unknot? Abstract:Â The following problem was stated by D. Rolfsen in his 1974 paper; […]
0 events,
0 events,
4 events,
People at CMSA – Feb. 10 – 14, 2025
Full Name Role Office # Affiliation Dates Email Address Enric Boix Postdoctoral Fellow 116 CMSA Iacopo Brivio Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA Hugo Cui Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA […]
AI in math and theoretical physics: Status and prospects
AI in math and theoretical physics: Status and prospects
Colloquium Speaker: Michael Douglas, Harvard CMSA Title: AI in math and theoretical physics: status and prospects Abstract:Â AI is making great progress and has the potential to change how we work […]
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar Location: BHI seminar room Speaker: Noa Zilberman (Princeton University) Title: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes Abstract: Astrophysical black holes are known to be rotating. Within classical […]
On 5d conformal matter
On 5d conformal matter
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker:Â Mario De Marco (UL Brussels) Title: On 5d conformal matter Abstract: SCFTs with 8 supercharges lie at the sweet spot of the classification […]
3 events,
On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system
On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system
General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Liam Urban (University of Vienna) Title: On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system Abstract: In recent years, the formation of […]
Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces
Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Ben Gammage, Harvard University Title: Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces
3 events,
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Javier Gomez-Serrano
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Javier Gomez-Serrano
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Javier Gomez-Serrano, Brown University Topic: Please tell us about the Millennium prize problem for Navier-Stokes and segue from that into ML?
Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond
Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond
New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Omar Salemohamed, Mila Title:Â Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond Abstract:Â As neural networks learn increasingly sophisticated tasksâfrom image recognition to mastering the game […]
3 events,
2025 Ding Shum Lecture: Irit Dinur, IAS: Expanders from local to global
2025 Ding Shum Lecture: Irit Dinur, IAS: Expanders from local to global
On February 13, 2025 the CMSA will host the sixth annual Ding Shum Lecture, given by Irit Dinur, Institute for Advanced Study. Time: 4:00 pm ET Speaker: Irit Dinur, Institute […]
The Structure of the Flux Landscape
The Structure of the Flux Landscape
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Damian Van de Heisteeg, Harvard CMSA Title: The Structure of the Flux Landscape Abstract: Identifying flux vacua in string theory with stabilized complex structure […]
2 events,
Jack polynomials and enumeration of non-orientable maps
Jack polynomials and enumeration of non-orientable maps
Member Seminar Speaker: Houcine Ben Dali, Harvard CMSA Title:Â Jack polynomials and enumeration of non-orientable maps Abstract:Â A map is a graph embedded on a surface, which may be orientable or not. […]
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0 events,
2 events,
General Relativity Seminar
General Relativity Seminar
General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Maximilian Ofner, University of Vienna Title: Stability and Instability of Relativistic Fluids in Slowly Expanding Spacetimes Abstract: Homogeneous and isotropic solutions to the relativistic Euler equations […]
Algebras of “symmetries” in QFT and applications to solitons (1)
Algebras of “symmetries” in QFT and applications to solitons (1)
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Dan Freed, Harvard CMSA and Math Title: Â Algebras of "symmetries" in QFT and applications to solitons (1)
2 events,
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Phillip Matchett Wood
CMSA Q&A Seminar: Phillip Matchett Wood
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Phillip Matchett Wood, Harvard University Topic: Info session on the CMSA/Mathematics Summer REU Program (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
1 event,
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
1 event,
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2 events,
2 events,
Algebras of “symmetries” in QFT and applications to solitons (2)
Algebras of “symmetries” in QFT and applications to solitons (2)
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Dan Freed, Harvard CMSA and Math Title: Â Algebras of "symmetries" in QFT and applications to solitons (2)
2 events,
New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar
New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar
New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Simon Frieder, Oxford
1 event,
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar
1 event,
Foundation Seminar
Event Title: Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics
Event Title: A homotopy of 2d SCFTs and an implication for Topological Modular Forms
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar
Event Title: Review of the excision property in factorization homology
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry
Event Title: Stochastic Process and Noncommutative Geometry
Event Title: CMSA/MATH Welcome Back Gathering
Member Seminar
Event Title: Smooth projective fibrations over the projective line and their sections

Event Title: Rational approximation and the AAA algorithm
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics
Event Title: Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra UnificationÂ
General Relativity Seminar
Event Title: The mass angular momentum inequality
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar
Event Title: Blob homology
CMSA Q&A Seminar
Event Title: CMSA Q&A Seminar: Subir Sachdev
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry
Event Title: Quantum algebras and R-matrices from the equivariant affine Grassmannians
Freedman Seminar
Event Title: Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?

Event Title: AI in math and theoretical physics: Status and prospects
Foundation Seminar
Event Title: Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics
Event Title: On 5d conformal matter
General Relativity Seminar
Event Title: On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar
Event Title: Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces
CMSA Q&A Seminar
Event Title: CMSA Q&A Seminar: Javier Gomez-Serrano
New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar
Event Title: Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond