2018 HMS Focused Lecture Series

01/23/2018 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm

As part of their CMSA visitation, HMS focused visitors will be giving lectures on various topics related to Homological Mirror Symmetry throughout the Spring 2018 Semester. The lectures will take place  on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the CMSA Building, 20 Garden Street, Room G10.

The schedule will be updated below.

Date Speaker Title/Abstract
January 23, 25, 30 and February 1 


*Room G10*

Ivan Losev 


Title: BGG category O: towards symplectic duality 

Abstract: We will discuss a very classical topic in the representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras: the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand (BGG) category O. Our aim will be to motivate and state a celebrated result of Beilinson, Ginzburg and Soergel on the Koszul duality for such categories, explaining how to compute characters of simple modules (the Kazhdan-Lusztig theory) along the way. The Koszul duality admits a conjectural generalization (Symplectic duality) that is a Mathematical manifestation of 3D Mirror symmetry. We will discuss that time permitting.

Approximate (optimistic) plan of the lectures:

1) Preliminaries and BGG category O.

2) Kazhdan-Lusztig bases. Beilinson-Bernstein localization theorem.

3) Localization theorem continued. Soergel modules.

4) Koszul algebras and Koszul duality for categories O.

Time permitting: other instances of Symplectic duality.


Semi-simple Lie algebras and their finite dimensional representation theory.

Some  Algebraic geometry. No prior knowledge of category O/ Geometric

Representation theory is assumed.

Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Device

February 27, 

and March 1


Colin Diemer 


Title: Moduli spaces of Landau-Ginzburg models and (mostly Fano) HMS. 

Abstract: Mirror symmetry as a general phenomenon is understood to take place near the large complex structure limit resp. large radius limit, and so implicitly involves degenerations of the spaces under consideration. Underlying most mirror theorems is thus a mirror map which gives a local identification of respective A-model and B-model moduli spaces. When dealing with mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau’s the role of the mirror map is well-appreciated. In these talks I’ll discuss the role of moduli in mirror symmetry of Fano varieties (where the mirror is a Landau-Ginzburg (LG) model). Some topics I expect to cover are a general structure theory of moduli of LG models (follows Katzarkov, Kontsevich, Pantev), the interplay of the topology  of LG models with autoequivalence relations in the Calabi-Yau setting, and the relationship between Mori theory in the B-model and degenerations of the LG A-model. For the latter topic we’ll focus on the case of del Pezzo surfaces (due to unpublished work of Pantev) and the toric case (due to the speaker with Katzarkov and G. Kerr). Time permitting, we may make some speculations on the role of LG moduli in the work of Gross-Hacking-Keel (in progress work of the speaker with T. Foster).

March 6 and 8 


Adam Jacob 

(UC Davis)

Title: The deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills equation 

Abstract: In this series I will discuss the deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills equation, which is a complex analogue of the special Lagrangian graph equation of Harvey-Lawson. I will describe its derivation in relation to the semi-flat setup of SYZ mirror symmetry, followed by some basic properties of solutions. Later I will discuss methods for constructing solutions, and relate the solvability to certain geometric obstructions. Both talks will be widely accessible, and cover joint work with T.C. Collins and S.-T. Yau.

March 6, 8, 13, 15 


Dmytro Shklyarov 

(TU Chemnitz)

Title: On categories of matrix factorizations and their homological invariants 

Abstract: The talks will cover the following topics:

1. Matrix factorizations as D-branes. According to physicists, the matrix factorizations of an isolated hypersurface singularity describe D-branes in the Landau-Ginzburg (LG) B-model associated with the singularity. The talk is devoted to some mathematical implications of this observation. I will start with a review of open-closed topological field theories underlying the LG B-models and then talk about their refinements.

2. Semi-infinite Hodge theory of dg categories. Homological mirror symmetry asserts that the “classical” mirror correspondence relating the number of rational curves in a CY threefold to period integrals of its mirror should follow from the equivalence of the derived Fukaya category of the first manifold and the derived category of coherent sheaves on the second one. The classical mirror correspondence can be upgraded to an isomorphism of certain Hodge-like data attached to both manifolds, and a natural first step towards proving the assertion would be to try to attach similar Hodge-like data to abstract derived categories. I will talk about some recent results in this direction and illustrate the approach in the context of the LG B-models.

3. Hochschild cohomology of LG orbifolds. The scope of applications of the LG mod- els in mirror symmetry is significantly expanded once we include one extra piece of data, namely, finite symmetry groups of singularities. The resulting models are called orbifold LG models or LG orbifolds. LG orbifolds with abelian symmetry groups appear in mir- ror symmetry as mirror partners of varieties of general type, open varieties, or other LG orbifolds. Associated with singularities with symmetries there are equivariant versions of the matrix factorization categories which, just as their non-equivariant cousins, describe D-branes in the corresponding orbifold LG B-models. The Hochschild cohomology of these categories should then be isomorphic to the closed string algebra of the models. I will talk about an explicit description of the Hochschild cohomology of abelian LG orbifolds.

April 10 & 12 


Mauricio Romo 


Title: Gauged Linear Sigma Models, Supersymmetric Localization and Applications 

Abstract: In this series of lectures I will review various results on connections between gauged linear sigma models (GLSM) and mathematics. I will start with a brief introduction on the basic concepts about GLSMs, and their connections to quantum geometry of Calabi-Yaus (CY). In the first lecture I will focus on nonperturbative results on GLSMs on closed 2-manifolds, which provide a way to extract enumerative invariants and the elliptic genus of some classes of CYs. In the second lecture I will move to nonperturbative results in the case where the worldsheet is a disk, in this case nonperturbative results provide interesting connections with derived categories and stability conditions. We will review those and provide applications to derived functors and local systems associated with  CYs. If time allows we will also review some applications to non-CY cases (in physics terms, anomalous GLSMs).

Lecture notes

April 17, 19, 26 


Andrew  Harder 

(University of Miami)

Title: Perverse sheaves of categories on surfaces 

Abstract: Perverse sheaves of categories on a Riemann surface S are systems of categories and functors which are encoded by a graphs on S, and which satisfy conditions that resemble the classical characterization of perverse sheaves on a disc.

I’ll review the basic ideas behind Kapranov and Schechtman’s notion of a perverse schober and generalize this to perverse sheaves of categories on a punctured Riemann surface. Then I will give several examples of perverse sheaves of categories in both algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, and category theory. Finally, I will describe how one should be able to use related ideas to prove homological mirror symmetry for certain noncommutative deformations of projective 3-space.


May 15, 17 


Charles Doran 

(University of Alberta)

Lecture One:
Title: Picard-Fuchs uniformization and Calabi-Yau geometry
Part 1:  We introduce the notion of the Picard-Fuchs equations annihilating periods in families of varieties, with emphasis on Calabi-Yau manifolds.  Specializing to the case of K3 surfaces, we explore general results on “Picard-Fuchs uniformization” of the moduli spaces of lattice-polarized K3 surfaces and the interplay with various algebro-geometric normal forms for these surfaces.  As an application, we obtain a universal differential-algebraic characterization of Picard rank jump loci in these moduli spaces.
Part 2:  We next consider families with one natural complex structure modulus, (e.g., elliptic curves, rank 19 K3 surfaces, b_1=4 Calabi-Yau threefolds, …), where the Picard-Fuchs equations are ODEs.  What do the Picard-Fuchs ODEs for such families tell us about the geometry of their total spaces?  Using Hodge theory and parabolic cohomology, we relate the monodromy of the Picard-Fuchs ODE to the Hodge numbers of the total space.  In particular, we produce criteria for when the total space of a family of rank 19 polarized K3 surfaces can be Calabi-Yau.


Lecture Two:
Title: Calabi-Yau fibrations: construction and classification

Part 1:  Codimension one Calabi-Yau submanifolds induce fibrations, with the periods of the total space relating to those of the fibers and the structure of the fibration.  We describe a method of iteratively constructing Calabi-Yau manifolds in tandem with their Picard-Fuchs equations. Applications include the tower of mirrors to degree n+1 hypersurfaces in P^n and a tower of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces encoding the n-sunset Feynman integrals.

Part 2:  We develop the necessary theory to both construct and classify threefolds fibered by lattice polarized K3 surfaces.  The resulting theory is a complete generalization to threefolds of that of Kodaira for elliptic surfaces.  When the total space of the fibration is a Calabi-Yau threefold, we conjecture a unification of CY/CY mirror symmetry and LG/Fano mirror symmetry by mirroring fibrations as Tyurin degenerations.  The detailed classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds with certain rank 19 polarized fibrations provides strong evidence for this conjecture by matching geometric characteristics of the fibrations with features of smooth Fano threefolds of Picard rank 1.