Tensorial TQFT and disentangling modular Walker-Wang models

03/17/2023 10:00 am - 11:30 am
CMSA Room G10
Address: CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Quantum Matter Seminar

Speaker: Andreas Bauer  (Freie Universität Berlin)

Title: Tensorial TQFT and disentangling modular Walker-Wang models

Abstract: I will introduce simple “tensorial” definitions for many algebraic and categorical structures appearing in the classification of topological phases of matter. Such “tensorial TQFTs” will be defined as maps that associate tensors to geometric/topological objects of some type, subject to gluing axioms. Tensorial TQFTs are very directly related to microscopic physical models in terms of discrete path integrals. I will use those tensorial definitions to construct invertible boundaries which disentangle modular Walker-Wang models.