• June 02, 2020 09:30 AM
Title: Geometry and Physics Seminar
Venue: Virtual

During the summer of 2020, the CMSA will be hosting a new Geometry Seminar. Talks will be scheduled on Mondays at 9:30pm or Tuesdays at 9:30am, depending on the location of the speaker. This seminar is organized by Tsung-Ju Lee, Yoosik Kim, and Du Pei. To learn how to attend this seminar, please contact Tsung-Ju Lee (tjlee@cmsa.fas.harvard.edu). Date Speaker Title/Abstract 6/2/2020 9:30am ET Siu-Cheong Lau Boston University This meeting will be taking place virtually on Zoom. Speaker: Equivariant Floer theory and SYZ mirror symmetry Abstract: In this talk, we will first review a symplectic realization of the SYZ program and some of its applications. Then I will explain some recent works on equivariant Lagrangian Floer theory and disc potentials of immersed SYZ fibers. They are joint…