Speaker:Title: Mathematics in Science: Perspectives and ProspectsVenue: Harvard Science CenterMathematics in Science: Perspectives and ProspectsA showcase of mathematics in interaction with physics, computer science, biology, and beyond. October 27–28, 2023 Location: Harvard University Science Center Hall D & via Zoom. Directions and Recommended Lodging Format: This conference will be held in hybrid format, both in person and via Zoom Webinar. Youtube Playlist Speakers Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS) Constantinos Daskalakis (MIT) Alison Etheridge (Oxford) Mike Freedman (Harvard CMSA) Greg Moore (Rutgers) Bernd Sturmfels (MPI Leipzig) Organizers Michael R. Douglas (Harvard CMSA) Dan Freed (Harvard Math & CMSA) Mike Hopkins (Harvard Math) Cumrun Vafa (Harvard Physics) Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard Math) Schedule Friday, October 27, 2023 2:00–3:15 pm Greg Moore (Rutgers) Title: Remarks on Physical Mathematics Abstract: I will describe some examples of the… |
Speaker:Title: Big Data Conference 2023Venue: Harvard Science CenterOn August 31-Sep 1, 2023 the CMSA will host the ninth annual Conference on Big Data. The Big Data Conference features speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. Location: Harvard University Science Center Hall D & via Zoom. Directions and Recommended Lodging Format: This conference will be held in hybrid format, both in person and via Zoom Webinar. Registration is required. Note: In-person registration is at capacity. Please sign up for the Zoom Webinar (registration link). Speakers: Jacob Andreas, MIT Morgane Austern, Harvard Albert-László Barabási, Northeastern Rachel Cummings, Columbia Melissa Dell, Harvard Jianqing Fan, Princeton Tommi Jaakkola, MIT Ankur Moitra,… |
Speaker:Title: Conference on Geometry and StatisticsVenue: CMSA Room G10On Feb 27-March 1, 2023 the CMSA will host a Conference on Geometry and Statistics. Location: G10, CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA 02138 This conference will be held in person. Directions and Recommended Lodging Registration is required. Register here to attend in-person. Organizing Committee: Stephan Huckemann (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Ezra Miller (Duke University) Zhigang Yao (Harvard CMSA and Committee Chair) Scientific Advisors: Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard CMSA) Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard CMSA) Speakers: Tamara Broderick (MIT) David Donoho (Stanford) Ian Dryden (Florida International University in Miami) David Dunson (Duke) Charles Fefferman (Princeton) Stefanie Jegelka (MIT) Sebastian Kurtek (OSU) Lizhen Lin (Notre Dame) Steve Marron (U North Carolina) Ezra Miller (Duke) Hans-Georg Mueller (UC Davis) Nicolai Reshetikhin (UC Berkeley) Wolfgang Polonik… |
Speaker: Xiaohong Chen (Yale), Miles Cranmer (Princeton) Jessica Jeffers (U Chicago), Dan Roberts (MIT)Title: Big Data Conference 2022Venue: virtualOn August 26, 2022 the CMSA hosted our eighth annual Conference on Big Data. The Big Data Conference features speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. The 2022 Big Data Conference took place virtually on Zoom. Organizers: Scott Duke Kominers, MBA Class of 1960 Associate Professor, Harvard Business Horng-Tzer Yau, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Sergiy Verstyuk, CMSA, Harvard University Speakers: Xiaohong Chen, Yale Miles Cranmer, Princeton Jessica Jeffers, University of Chicago Dan Roberts, MIT Schedule 9:00 am Conference Organizers Introduction and Welcome 9:10 am – 9:55 am Xiaohong Chen Title: On ANN optimal estimation and inference for policy… |
Speaker:Title: Joint BHI/CMSA Conference on Flat HolographyVenue: VirtualOn June 21–24, 2022, the Harvard Black Hole Initiative and the CMSA hosted the Joint BHI/CMSA Conference on Flat Holography (and related topics). The recent discovery of infinitely-many soft symmetries for all quantum theories of gravity in asymptotically flat space has provided a promising starting point for a bottom-up construction of a holographic dual for the real world. Recent developments have brought together previously disparate studies of soft theorems, asymptotic symmetries, twistor theory, asymptotically flat black holes and their microscopic duals, self-dual gravity, and celestial scattering amplitudes, and link directly to AdS/CFT. The conference was held in room G10 of the CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA. Organizers: Daniel Kapec, CMSA Andrew Strominger, BHI Shing-Tung Yau, Harvard &… |
Speaker:Title: Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC)Venue: CMSA Room G10On June 6-8, 2022, the CMSA hosted the 3rd annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC). The Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC) is a forum for mathematical research in computation and society writ large. The Symposium aims to catalyze the formation of a community supportive of the application of theoretical computer science, statistics, economics and other relevant analytical fields to problems of pressing and anticipated societal concern. Organizers: Cynthia Dwork, Harvard SEAS | Omer Reingold, Stanford | Elisa Celis, Yale Schedule DOWNLOAD PDF June 6, 2022 9:15 am–10:15 am Opening Remarks Keynote Speaker: Caroline Nobo, Yale University Title: From Theory to Impact: Why Better Data Systems are Necessary for Criminal Legal Reform Abstract: This talk will dive into… |
Speaker:Title: SMaSH: Symposium for Mathematical Sciences at HarvardVenue: Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)SMaSH: Symposium for Mathematical Sciences at Harvard On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, from 9:00 am – 5:30 pm, the Harvard John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Harvard Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CMSA) held a Symposium for Mathematical Sciences for the mathematical sciences community at Harvard. Organizing Committee Michael Brenner, Applied Mathematics (SEAS) Michael Desai, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (FAS) Sam Gershman, Psychology (FAS) Michael Hopkins, Mathematics (FAS) Gary King, Government (FAS) Peter Koellner, Philosophy (FAS) Scott Kominers, Economics (FAS) & Entrepreneurial Management (HBS) Xihong Lin, Biostatistics (HSPH) & Statistics (FAS) Yue Lu, Electrical Engineering (SEAS) Susan Murphy, Statistics (FAS) & Computer Science (SEAS) Lisa Randall, Physics (SEAS) Eugene Shakhnovich, Chemistry… |
Speaker:Title: Conference in Memory of Professor Masatake KuranishiVenue: Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)On May 9–12, 2022, the CMSA hosted the conference Deformations of structures and moduli in geometry and analysis: A Memorial in honor of Professor Masatake Kuranishi. Organizers: Tristan Collins (MIT) and Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard and Tsinghua) Videos are available on the conference playlist. Speakers: Charles Fefferman (Princeton University) Teng Fei (Rutgers University) Robert Friedman (Columbia University) Kenji Fukaya (Simons Center, Stony Brook) Akito Futaki (Tsinghua University) Victor Guillemin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Nigel Hitchin (Oxford University) Blaine Lawson (Stony Brook University) Yu-Shen Lin (Boston University) Melissa C.C. Liu (Columbia University) Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya University) Duong H. Phong (Columbia University) Sebastien Picard (University of British Columbia) Paul Seidel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Gabor Szekelyhidi (University of Notre Dame) Claire Voisin… |
Speaker:Title: General Relativity ConferenceVenue: VirtualGeneral Relativity Conference This conference will be held virtually on Zoom. Registration is required. Webinar Registration A few talks will be held in hybrid formats, with talks given from the CMSA seminar room, G-10. Advanced registration for in-person components is required. In-Person Registration Schedule | April 4–8, 2022 Schedule (PDF) Monday, April 4, 2022 Time (ET) Speaker Title/Abstract 9:30 am–10:30 am Pieter Blue, University of Edinburgh, UK (virtual) Title: Linear stability of the Kerr spacetime in the outgoing radiation gauge Abstract: This talk will discuss a new gauge condition (i.e. coordinate condition) for the Einstein equation, the linearisation of the Einstein equation in this gauge, and the decay of solutions to the linearised Einstein equation around Kerr black holes… |
Speaker: Andrew Blumberg (UT Austin), Moran Koren (Harvard CMSA), Hima Lakkaraju (Harvard), Katrina Ligett (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)Title: Big Data Conference 2021Venue: virtualOn August 24, 2021, the CMSA hosted our seventh annual Conference on Big Data. The Conference features many speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. The 2021 Big Data Conference took place virtually on Zoom. Organizers: Shing-Tung Yau, William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Scott Duke Kominers, MBA Class of 1960 Associate Professor, Harvard Business Horng-Tzer Yau, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Sergiy Verstyuk, CMSA, Harvard University Speakers: Andrew Blumberg, University of Texas at Austin Moran Koren, Harvard CMSA Hima Lakkaraju, Harvard University Katrina Ligett, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Time (ET; Boston time) Speaker Title/Abstract 9:00AM Conference Organizers… |
Speaker: Sanjeev Arora (Princeton), Juan Camilo Castillo (U Penn), Joseph Dexter (Dartmouth), Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft), Amin Saberi (Stanford), Vira Semenova (UC Berkeley), Varda Shalev (Tel Aviv University)Title: 2020 Big Data Conference (Virtual)Venue: VirtualOn August 24-25, 2020 the CMSA hosted our sixth annual Conference on Big Data. The Conference featured many speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. The 2020 Big Data Conference took place virtually. Videos of the talks are available in this youtube playlist. Organizers: Shing-Tung Yau, William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Scott Duke Kominers, MBA Class of 1960 Associate Professor, Harvard Business Horng-Tzer Yau, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University Sergiy Verstyuk, CMSA, Harvard University Speakers: Sanjeev Arora, Princeton University Juan Camilo Castillo, University of Pennsylvania Joseph Dexter, Dartmouth College Nicole Immorlica, Microsoft Amin Saberi, Stanford University Vira Semenova,… |
Speaker: Rediet Abebe (Cornell), Pablo Azar (MIT), Jorn Boehnke (UC Davis), Sarah Brown (Brown), Abeer Elbahrawy (Alan Turing Institute), Charles Epstein (AMCS), David Gamarnik (MIT), Anna Gilbert (Michigan), Andrew Lo (MIT), Xiaole Shirley Liu (Dana Farber Cancer Institute), Joe Kileel (Princeton), Tymofiy Mylovanov (U Pittsburgh), Elaine O. Nsoesie (Boston University), Aaron Roth (UPenn), Amit Singer (Princeton), Zhiping Weng (UMass Medical School), David Yang (Harvard)Title: 2019 Big Data ConferenceVenue: Harvard Science CenterOn August 19-20, 2019 the CMSA will be hosting our fifth annual Conference on Big Data. The Conference will feature many speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. The talks will take place in Science Center Hall D, 1 Oxford Street. For a list of lodging options convenient to the Center, please visit our recommended lodgings page. Please note that lunch will not be provided during the conference, but a map of Harvard Square with a list of local restaurants can be found by clicking Map & Restaurants. Videos can be found in this Youtube playlist or in the schedule below. |
Speaker: Mohammad Akbarpour (Stanford), Emily Breza (Harvard), Francesca Dominici (Harvard), Chiara Farronato (Harvard), Kobi Gal (Ben Gurion), Jonah Kallenbach (Reverie Labs), Samuel Kou (Harvard), Laura Kreidberg (Harvard), Danielle Li (MIT), Libby Mishkin (Uber), Josh Speagle (Harvard), William Stein (University of Washington), Alex Teyltelboym (University of Oxford), Sergiy Verstyuk (CMSA/Harvard)Title: Big Data Conference 2018Venue: Harvard Science CenterOn August 23-24, 2018 the CMSA will be hosting our fourth annual Conference on Big Data. The Conference will feature many speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. The talks will take place in Science Center Hall B, 1 Oxford Street. For a list of lodging options convenient to the Center, please visit our recommended lodgings page. Please note that lunch will not be provided during the conference, but a map of Harvard Square with a list of local restaurants can be found by clicking Map & Restaurants. Please register here. Confirmed Speakers: Mohammad Akbarpour, Stanford Emily Breza, Harvard Francesca Dominici, Harvard Chiara Farronato, Harvard Kobi… |
Speaker: Mohammad Akbarpour (Stanford), Albert-László Barabási (Northeastern), Noureddine El Karoui (UC Berkeley), Ravi Jagadeesan (Harvard), Lucas Janson (Harvard), Tracy Ke (U Chicago), Tze Leung Lai (Stanford), Annie Liang (U Penn), Marena Lin (Harvard), Nikhil Naik (Harvard), Alex Peysakhovich (Facebook), Natesh Pillai (Harvard), Jann Spiess (Harvard), Bradly Stadie (Open AI, UC Berkeley), Zak Stone (Google), Hau-Tieng Wu (U Toronto), Sifan Zhou (Xiamen University)Title: 2017 Big Data ConferenceVenue: Harvard Science CenterThe Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications will be hosting a conference on Big Data from August 18 – 19, 2017, in Hall D of the Science Center at Harvard University. The Big Data Conference features many speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. This is the third conference on Big Data the Center will host as part of our annual events, and is co-organized by Richard Freeman, Scott Kominers, Jun Liu, Horng-Tzer Yau and Shing-Tung Yau. For a list of lodging options convenient to the Center, please visit our recommended lodgings page. Please note that lunch will not be provided during the conference,… |
Speaker:Title: 2016 Big Data Conference & WorkshopVenue: Harvard Science Center! LOCATION CHANGE: The conference will be in Science Center Hall C on Tuesday, Aug.23, 2016. The Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications will be hosting a workshop on Big Data from August 12 – 21, 2016 followed by a two-day conference on Big Data from August 22 – 23, 2016. Big Data Conference features many speakers from the Harvard Community as well as many scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. This is the second conference on Big Data the Center will host as part of our annual events. The 2015 conference was a huge success. The conference will be hosted at Harvard Science Center Hall A (Monday, Aug.22) & Hall C (Tuesday,… |
Speaker:Title: 2015 Conference on Big DataVenue: Harvard Science CenterThe Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications will be having a conference on Big Data August 24-26, 2015, in Science Center Hall B at Harvard University. This conference will feature many speakers from the Harvard Community as well as many scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics. For more info, please contact Sarah LaBauve at slabauve@math.harvard.edu. Registration for the conference is now closed. Please click here for a downloadable version of this schedule. Please note that lunch will not be provided during the conference, but a map of Harvard Square with a list of local restaurants can be found here. Monday, August 24 Time Speaker Title 8:45am Meet and Greet… |