Large random matrices provide some of the simplest models for large, strongly correlated quantum systems. The statistics of the energy levels of ensembles of such systems are expected to exhibit universality, in the sense that they depend only on the symmetry class of the system. Recent advances have enabled a rigorous understanding of universality in […]


CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

The Simons Collaboration program in Homological Mirror Symmetry at Harvard CMSA and Brandeis University is part of the bigger Simons collaboration program on Homological mirror symmetry (https://schms.math.berkeley.edu) which brings to CMSA experts on algebraic geometry, Symplectic geometry, Arithmetic geometry, Quantum topology and mathematical aspects of high energy physics, specially string theory with the goal of proving […]


CMSA 20 Garden Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States

During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter. New ideas rooted in topology have recently had a big impact on condensed matter physics, and have highlighted new connections with high energy physics, mathematics and quantum information theory. Additionally, these ideas have found applications in the design of photonic […]

Workshop on Morphometrics, Morphogenesis and Mathematics

CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

In Fall 2018, the CMSA will host a Program on Mathematical Biology, which aims to describe recent mathematical advances in using geometry and statistics in a biological context, while also considering a range of physical theories that can predict biological shape at scales ranging from macromolecular assemblies to whole organ systems. The plethora of natural shapes that surround […]

Mathematical Biology

CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Mathematical Biology. Just over a century ago, the biologist, mathematician and philologist D’Arcy Thompson wrote “On growth and form”. The book was a visionary synthesis of the geometric biology of form at the time. It also served as a call for mathematical and physical approaches […]

Morphogenesis: Geometry and Physics

CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Just over a century ago, the biologist, mathematician and philologist D’Arcy Thompson wrote “On growth and form”. The book – a literary masterpiece – is a visionary synthesis of the geometric biology of form. It also served as a call for mathematical and physical approaches to understanding the evolution and development of shape. In the […]


CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Recent developments have poised this area to make serious advances in 2019, and we feel that bringing together many of the relevant experts for an intensive semester of discussions and collaboration will trigger some great things to happen. To this end, the organizers will host a small workshop during Fall 2019, with between 20-30 participants. […]

2021 Summer Introduction to Mathematical Research

The Math Department and Harvard’s Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CMSA) will be running a math program/course for mathematically minded undergraduates this summer. The course will be run by Dr. Yingying Wu from CMSA. Here is a description: Summer Introduction to Mathematical Research (sponsored by CMSA and the Harvard Math Department) In this course, we will start […]