People at CMSA – Feb. 10 – 14, 2025

CMSA 20 Garden Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States

Full Name Role Office # Affiliation Dates Email Address Enric Boix Postdoctoral Fellow 116 CMSA Iacopo Brivio Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA Hugo Cui Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA Tomer Ezra Postdoctoral Fellow 109 CMSA Ben Dali Houcine Postdoctoral Fellow 106 CMSA Samy Jelassi Postdoctoral Fellow 109 CMSA Uri Kol Postdoctoral […]

Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces

Science Center 507 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Ben Gammage, Harvard University Title: Discussion of Integrating quantum groups over surfaces

Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond


New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Omar Salemohamed, Mila Title: Discovering Data Structures: Nearest Neighbor Search and Beyond Abstract: As neural networks learn increasingly sophisticated tasks—from image recognition to mastering the game of Go—we ask: can deep learning discover data structures entirely from scratch? We introduce a general framework for data structure discovery, which adapts to the […]

The Structure of the Flux Landscape 

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Damian Van de Heisteeg, Harvard CMSA Title: The Structure of the Flux Landscape Abstract: Identifying flux vacua in string theory with stabilized complex structure moduli presents a significant challenge, necessitating the minimization of a scalar potential complicated by infinitely many exponential corrections. In order to obtain exact results we […]

Jack polynomials and enumeration of non-orientable maps

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Member Seminar Speaker: Houcine Ben Dali, Harvard CMSA Title: Jack polynomials and enumeration of non-orientable maps Abstract: A map is a graph embedded on a surface, which may be orientable or not. The representation theory of the symmetric group can be used to write the generating series of maps on orientable surfaces using Schur symmetric functions. Several […]


CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States


General Relativity Seminar

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

General Relativity Seminar