Quantum Algebra of Chern-Simons Matrix Model and Large N Limit

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar Speaker: Sen Hu (Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Study) Title: Quantum Algebra of Chern-Simons Matrix Model and Large N Limit Abstract: In this talk we discuss the algebra of quantum observables of the Chern-Simons matrix model which was originally proposed by Susskind and Polychronakos to describe electrons […]

Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with present-day Reconfigurable Quantum Processors

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar Speaker: Susanne Yelin (Harvard) Title: Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with present-day Reconfigurable Quantum Processors Abstract: Simulations of quantum chemistry and quantum materials are believed to be among the most important potential applications of quantum information processors, but realizing practical quantum advantage for such problems is challenging. […]

Event Series Member Seminar

Symmetries and algebraicity in the flux landscape

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Member Seminar Speaker: Damian van de Heisteeg (Harvard CMSA) Title: Symmetries and algebraicity in the flux landscape Abstract: In this talk I consider potentials coming from fluxes in string theory. The minima of these potentials trace out special loci in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau manifolds. I discuss the structure that underlies these minima from a Hodge-theoretic […]

Event Series General Relativity Seminar

Asymptotic decay for defocusing semilinear wave equations on Schwarzschild spacetimes


General Relativity Seminar Speaker: He Mei, Shenzhen University Title: Asymptotic decay for defocusing semilinear wave equations on Schwarzschild spacetimes Abstract: In this talk, I will present a work on the long time dynamics of solutions to the defocusing semilinear wave equations on the Schwarzschild black hole spacetimes. For sufficiently smooth and localized initial data, we show that the […]

Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Maggie Miller: Fibered ribbon knots vs. major 4D conjectures

Harvard Science Center 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA

Fibered ribbon knots vs. major 4D conjectures Location: Harvard University Science Center Hall A & via Zoom webinar Dates: Feb 20 & 22, 2024 Time: 4:00-5:30 pm Maggie Miller is an assistant professor in the mathematics department at the University of Texas at Austin and a Clay Research Fellow. This is the fourth annual Math Science […]

Computers and mathematics in partial differential equations: New developments and challenges

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

https://youtu.be/JB2WqmpmTgk New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Javier Gomez Serrano, Brown University Title: Computers and mathematics in partial differential equations: new developments and challenges Abstract: In this talk I will address the interaction between traditional and more modern mathematics and how computers have helped over the last decade providing rigorous (computer-assisted) proofs in the context […]

Event Series Algebraic Geometry in String Theory Seminar

Geometric origins of values of the Riemann Zeta functions at positive integers

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Algebraic Geometry in String Theory Seminar Speaker: Yan Zhou, Northeastern Title: Geometric origins of values of the Riemann Zeta functions at positive integers Abstract: Given a Fano manifold, Iritani proposed that the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the quantum differential equation of the Fano should be given by the so-called ‘Gamma class’ in its cohomology ring. […]

Spontaneously Broken (-1)-form symmetries

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar Speaker: Motoo Suzuki (Harvard) Title: Spontaneously Broken (-1)-form symmetries Abstract: Spontaneous breaking of symmetries leads to universal phenomena. We extend this notion to (−1)-form U(1) symmetries. The spontaneous breaking is diagnosed by a dependence of the vacuum energy on a constant background field θ, which can be probed […]

Event Series Member Seminar

Integrability and Hidden Symmetries in Black Hole Dynamics

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Member Seminar Speaker: Uri Kol (Harvard CMSA) Title: Integrability and Hidden Symmetries in Black Hole Dynamics Abstract: The last decade has produced a number of remarkable discoveries, such as the first direct observation of gravitational waves by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration and the first black hole image taken by the Event Horizon Telescope. These discoveries mark the beginning of a […]

Event Series AQFT Seminar Series

AQFT Lecture Series

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

AQFT Lecture Series Speaker: Omer Offen (Brandeis) Title: Period integrals of automorphic forms and the residue method Abstract: I will discuss some aspects of period integrals of automorphic forms via examples. In particular, the residue method of Jacquet and Rallis and its recent application, joint with Friedberg and Ginzburg, to study new periods on the […]

Event Series Colloquium

Factorization algebras in quite a lot of generality

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Colloquium Speaker: Clark Barwick, University of Edinburgh Title: Factorization algebras in quite a lot of generality Abstract: The objects of arithmetic geometry are not manifolds. Some concepts from differential geometry admit analogues in arithmetic, but they are not straightforward. How then can we hope to make precise sense of quantum field theories on these objects? […]