CMSA Q&A Seminar 2/6/2024
Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesCMSA Q and A Seminar Speaker: Greg Moore, Rutgers University Question: What is supersymmetry?
CMSA Q and A Seminar Speaker: Greg Moore, Rutgers University Question: What is supersymmetry?
Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar Speaker: Yuta Hamada (KEK, Tsukuba) Title: Flavor hierarchy from smooth confinement & Towards a complete classification of 6d supergravities Abstract: The talk consists of two independent parts. In the first part, I will talk about a new model to explain the Standard Model flavor hierarchy. Our model is […] CMSA/Tsinghua Math-Science Literature Lecture Prof. Amie Wilkinson gave a lecture in the CMSA/Tsinghua Math-Science Literature Lecture Series. Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 Time: 9:00–10:30 am ET Title: Stretching and shrinking: 85 years of the Hopf argument for ergodicity Abstract: The early 20th century witnessed an explosion of activity, much of it centered at Harvard, […]
Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Program Lecture Series Speaker: Minhyong Kim, University of Edinburgh Topic: Arithmetic topology and field theory Abstract: The setup of arithmetic topology as a bridge between the background of QFT to that of arithmetic (both “global” and “local”), including the “middle realm” of positive characteristic function fields. Slides (pdf) New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Jordan Ellenberg (UW Madison) Title: Large language models, mathematical discovery, and search in the space of strategies: an anecdote Abstract: I spent a portion of 2023 working with a team at DeepMind on the “cap set problem” – how large can a subset of (Z/3Z)^n be which contains no […]
Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Program Lecture Series Speaker: Brian Williams, Boston University Topic: Algebraic quantum field theory Abstract: Questions and structures in arithmetic that have been / might be amenable to inspiration from QFT, in particular the theory of L-functions and the Langlands program.
Algebraic Geometry in String Theory Seminar Speaker: Iacopo Brivio (Harvard CMSA) Title: On (semi)stable reduction and KSBA moduli in positive characteristic Abstract: The moduli space M_g of genus g stable curves is perhaps the most studied of all algebraic varieties. Its higher-dimensional generalization is the moduli functor M_{n,v} of n-dimension stable varieties of volume v. It […]
Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Program Lecture Series Speaker: Minhyong Kim, University of Edinburgh Topic: Arithmetic topology and field theory Abstract: The setup of arithmetic topology as a bridge between the background of QFT to that of arithmetic (both “global” and “local”), including the “middle realm” of positive characteristic function fields. Slides (pdf)
Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Program Lecture Series Speaker: David Ben-Zvi Topic: The Langlands program via arithmetic QFT Abstract: Structures in QFT (like factorization for observables and functorial QFT for states and their relation to geometric / deformation quantization) that are sufficiently algebraic and formal to allow for arithmetic analogs.
Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics Seminar Speaker: Soonwon Choi (MIT) Title: Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Phases of Matter and Exactly Solvable 2D Models with Anomalous Entanglement Entropy Abstract: In this talk, I will report my two recent results at the intersection of quantum information and strongly interacting phases of matters. In the first half […]
CMSA Member Seminar Speaker: Benjamin McKenna (Harvard) Title: The spectrum of some nonlinear random matrices Abstract: Modern data science often requires one to consider "nonlinear random matrices," a broad term for random-matrix models whose construction involves a nonlinear function applied entrywise. Such models are typically far from classical random matrix theory, and in principle entrywise nonlinearities can affect the […]
Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Program Lecture Series Speaker: Brian Williams, Boston University Topic: Algebraic quantum field theory Abstract: Questions and structures in arithmetic that have been / might be amenable to inspiration from QFT, in particular the theory of L-functions and the Langlands program.