Formation of Trapped Surfaces in Geodesic Foliation


General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Xuantao Chen, Johns Hopkins University Title: Formation of Trapped Surfaces in Geodesic Foliation Abstract: We reprove the formation of trapped surfaces for the Einstein vacuum equation using the incoming geodesic foliation. All previous results, starting with the seminal work of Christodoulou, make use of the double null foliation. In the new […]

Event Series Foundation Seminar

Foundation Seminar

Black Hole Initiative, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Foundation Seminar (Joint Seminar with BHI) Location: BHI Speaker: Christoph Kehle (MIT) Title: On the cosmic censorship conjectures Abstract: I will present the modern formulations of the weak and strong cosmic censorship conjectures and discuss some recent developments in the context of gravitational collapse.

pp Waves: Quasinormal Modes & Hidden Symmetries of Black Holes

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Ahmed Seta, Harvard University Title: pp Waves: Quasinormal Modes & Hidden Symmetries of Black Holes Abstract: The spectrum of quasinormal modes of 4D flat space black holes is not analytically tractable, but there are two asymptotic limits where the QNM spectrum is under control: weak damping and strong damping. In this talk, I […]

The Einstein-Euler system with a physical vacuum boundary in spherical symmetry

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Marcelo Disconzi, Vanderbilt University Title: The Einstein-Euler system with a physical vacuum boundary in spherical symmetry Abstract: We establish local well-posedness for the Einstein-Euler system with a physical vacuum boundary in spherical symmetry. Our proof relies on a new way of thinking about Einstein’s equations in spherical symmetry that is well-adapted […]

Event Series Foundation Seminar

Foundation Seminar

Black Hole Initiative, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Foundation Seminar (Joint Seminar with BHI) Title: Searching for Dark Matter in the Sky Abstract: Astrophysical and cosmological observations have allowed us to measure the abundance of dark matter and have provided important information on its properties. I will discuss past, present and future efforts to map the gravitational footprint of dark matter throughout the […]

Mass for the large and for the small

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Tin Yau Tsang, Courant Institute, New York University Title: Mass for the large and for the small Abstract: Seeking a meaningful geometric (physical) invariant to describe a spacetime has sparked research in both mathematics and physics. In this talk, we will first see the fundamental progress made by Schoen-Yau and Witten […]

Event Series Foundation Seminar

Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes

Black Hole Initiative, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Joint CMSA/BHI Foundation Seminar Location: BHI seminar room Speaker: Noa Zilberman, Princeton Title: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes Abstract: Astrophysical black holes are known to be rotating. Within classical General Relativity, the simplest spacetime solution (the Kerr solution) describing a rotating black hole reveals a traversable passage through an inner horizon – which in turn […]

The Einstein-Vlasov system in a large data regime

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Nikolaos Athanasiou, University of Crete, Greece Title: The Einstein-Vlasov system in a large data regime Abstract: In this talk, our object of study is the Einstein-Vlasov system with a massless Vlasov matter field. Complementing various important works obtaining the stability of Minkowski spacetime as a solution to this system, we […]

Event Series Foundation Seminar

Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics

Black Hole Initiative, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar Location: BHI Seminar Room Speaker: Uri Kol, Harvard CMSA Title: Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Dynamics Abstract: Black hole perturbation theory captures a few important effects in the dynamics of binary mergers, such as tidal deformations and the decay of ringdown modes, as well as the physics of the photon ring. […]

The mass angular momentum inequality


General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Gilbert Weinstein, Ariel University Title: The mass angular momentum inequality Abstract: We show that either there is a counterexample to black hole uniqueness, in the form of a regular axisymmetric stationary vacuum spacetime with an asymptotically flat end and multiple degenerate horizons which is ‘ADM stable’, or the following statement holds. […]

Event Series Foundation Seminar

Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes

Black Hole Initiative, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar Location: BHI seminar room Speaker: Noa Zilberman (Princeton University) Title: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes Abstract: Astrophysical black holes are known to be rotating. Within classical General Relativity, the simplest spacetime solution (the Kerr solution) describing a rotating black hole reveals a traversable passage through an inner horizon – which in […]

On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Liam Urban (University of Vienna) Title: On the past maximal development of near-FLRW data for the Einstein scalar-field Vlasov system Abstract: In recent years, the formation of Big Bang singularities has been increasingly well understood in presence of scalar-field matter, which suppresses the geometric oscillations that one generically expects otherwise. From a cosmological perspective, […]