CMSA Q and A Seminar 12/5/2023

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Mike Douglas (Harvard CMSA) and Anurag Anshu (Harvard Computer Science) Topics: Mike Douglas: What are scaling laws in deep learning? Anurag Anshu: What's the difference between classical information theory and quantum information theory (or classical computation vs quantum computation)?  

CMSA Q and A Seminar 11/7/2023

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Michael Hopkins (Harvard Math) and Minhea Popa (Harvard Math) Topics: Mike Hopkins: What are topological modular forms? Mihnea Popa: What is the abundance conjecture and why should it to be true?  

CMSA Q and A Seminar 10/24/23

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Xi Yin (Harvard Physics) and Peter Kronheimer (Harvard Math) Topics: Xi Yin: What is string field theory? Peter Kronheimer: What is Seiberg-Witten theory?

CMSA Q and A Seminar 10/10/23

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Dan Freed (Harvard Math and CMSA) and Sunghyuk Park (CMSA) Topics: Dan Freed: What is Dijkgraaf-Witten theory? Sunghyuk Park: What happened at the Clay Math Institute Workshop?

CMSA Q and A Seminar 10/3/2023

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Dan Freed (Harvard Math & CMSA) and Dan Berwick-Evans (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Topics: Dan Freed: What is framing anomaly? How is it different from other anomalies? Dan Berwick-Evans: What is Atiyah-Singer index theorem?

CMSA Q and A Seminar 9/26/2023

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

CMSA Q and A Seminar Speakers: Michael Douglas (CMSA) and Mayuko Yamashita (Kyoto University) Topics: Michael Douglas: "What is non-commutative field theory?" Mayuko Yamashita: "What is differential cohomology?"

CMSA/Math Fall Gathering

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Friday, Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm All CMSA and Math affiliates are invited.

Modularity of Landau-Ginzburg Models

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Member Seminar Speaker: Chuck Doran Title: Modularity of Landau-Ginzburg Models Abstract:  Fano varieties are the basic building blocks of algebraic varieties.  Smooth Fano varieties have been classified in dimensions one (the projective line), two (del Pezzo surfaces), and three (Mori-Mukai classification).  What does Mirror Symmetry have to say about such classifications?  By studying the Landau-Ginzburg models mirror to […]

CMSA Q and A Seminar 9/19/2023

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speakers: Dan Freed (Harvard Math and CMSA), Denis Auroux (Harvard Math)

Recent progress on coupled Einstein-Yang-Mills dynamics

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Member Seminar Speaker: Puskar Mondal Title: Recent progress on coupled Einstein-Yang-Mills dynamics Abstract: I will discuss my recent work with prof. S.T. Yau on Einstein-Yang-Mills theory. I’ll discuss the main ideas behind the stability of the Minkowski and Milne space time under coupled gauge-gravity perturbations. Construction of the gauge invariant energies that control the suitable […]

CMSA/MATH Bi-Annual Gathering

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

On Friday, March 24th, 4:30PM - 6PM, the CMSA will host the CMSA/MATH Bi-Annual Gathering for Harvard CMSA and Math affiliates in the Common Room at 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA 02138.

From Algebraic Geometry to Vision and AI: A Symposium Celebrating the Mathematical Work of David Mumford

Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

On August 18 and 20, 2018, the Center of Mathematic Sciences and Applications and the Harvard University Mathematics Department hosted a conference on From Algebraic Geometry to Vision and AI: A Symposium Celebrating the Mathematical Work of David Mumford. The talks took place in Science Center, Hall B. Saturday, August 18th:  A day of talks on […]