Correlation decay for finite lattice gauge theories

Science Center 232 Harvard Science Center, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138

Probability Seminar Speaker: Arka Adhikari (Stanford) Title: Correlation decay for finite lattice gauge theories Abstract: In the setting of lattice gauge theories with finite (possibly non-Abelian) gauge groups at weak coupling, we prove exponential decay of correlations for a wide class of gauge invariant functions, which in particular includes arbitrary functions of Wilson loop observables. […]

Light cones for open quantum systems

Science Center 232 Harvard Science Center, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138

Probability Seminar Speaker: Marius Lemm, University of Tuebingen Title: Light cones for open quantum systems Abstract: We consider non-relativistic Markovian open quantum dynamics in continuous space. We show that, up to small probability tails, the supports of quantum states propagate with finite speed in any finite-energy subspace. More precisely, if the initial quantum state is localized […]

Diagonalizing Transition Matrices of Card Shuffles

Science Center 232 Harvard Science Center, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138

Probability Seminar Speaker: Evita Nestoridi (Stonybrook) Title: Diagonalizing Transition Matrices of Card Shuffles Abstract: In their seminal work, Diaconis and Shahshahani used representation theory of the symmetric group to diagonalize the transition matrix of random transpositions. More recently, Dieker and Saliola introduced another technique to diagonalize the random-to-random card shuffle. In this talk we will […]