• 01

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 02

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 02

    Toroidal Positive Mass Theorem

    12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Member Seminar

    Speaker: Aghil Alaee

    Title: Toroidal Positive Mass Theorem

    Abstract: In this talk, we review the positive mass conjecture in general relativity and prove a toroidal version of this conjecture in an asymptotically hyperbolic setting.

  • 03

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 03
    CMSA Colloquium 05.03.2023

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): An Analytical Perspective

    12:30 pm-1:30 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Speaker: Xin Guo, UC Berkeley

    Title: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): An Analytical Perspective

    Abstract: Generative models have attracted intense interests recently. In this talk, I will discuss one class of generative models, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).  I will first provide a gentle review of the mathematical framework behind GANs. I will then proceed to discuss a few challenges in GANs training from an analytical perspective. I will finally report some recent progress for GANs training in terms of its stability and convergence analysis.


  • 01


    9:48 pm

    Recent developments have poised this area to make serious advances in 2019, and we feel that bringing together many of the relevant experts for an intensive semester of discussions and collaboration will trigger some great things to happen. To this end, the organizers will host a small workshop during fall 2019, with between 20-30 participants. They will also invite 10-20 longer-term visitors throughout the semester. Additionally, there will be a seminar held weekly on Thursdays at 2:30pm in CMSA G10.





    Here is a partial list of the mathematicians and physicists who have indicated that they will attend part or all of this special program as a visitor:

  • 01

    Mathematical Biology

    9:45 pm-9:46 pm

    During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Mathematical Biology.

    Just over a century ago, the biologist, mathematician and philologist D’Arcy Thompson wrote “On growth and form”. The book was a visionary synthesis of the geometric biology of form at the time. It also served as a call for mathematical and physical approaches to understanding the evolution and development of shape.

    In the century since its publication, we have seen a revolution in biology following the discovery of the genetic code, which has uncovered the molecular and cellular basis for life, combined with the ability to probe the chemical, structural, and dynamical nature of molecules, cells, tissues and organs across scales. In parallel, we have seen a blossoming of our understanding of spatiotemporal patterning in physical systems, and a gradual unveiling of the complexity of physical form. And in mathematics and computation, there has been a revolution in terms of posing and solving problems at the intersection of computational geometry, statistics and inference.  So, how far are we from realizing a descriptive, predictive and controllable theory of biological shape?

    In Fall 2018, CMSA will focus on a program that aims at recent mathematical advances in describing shape using geometry and statistics in a biological context, while also considering a range of physical theories that can predict biological shape at scales ranging from macromolecular assemblies to whole organ systems

    The CMSA will be hosting three workshops as part of this program. The Workshop on Morphometrics, Morphogenesis and Mathematics will take place on October 22-26. 

    A workshop on Morphogenesis: Geometry and Physics will take place on December 3-6, 2018.

    A workshop on Invariance and Geometry in Sensation, Action and Cognition will take place on April 15-17, 2019.

  • 01


    9:49 pm

    The Simons Collaboration program in Homological Mirror Symmetry at Harvard CMSA and Brandeis University is part of the bigger Simons collaboration program on Homological mirror symmetry (https://schms.math.berkeley.edu) which brings to CMSA experts on algebraic geometry, Symplectic geometry, Arithmetic geometry, Quantum topology and mathematical aspects of high energy physics, specially string theory with the goal of proving the homological mirror symmetry conjecture (HMS) in full generality and explore its applications. Mirror symmetry, which emerged in the late 1980s as an unexpected physical duality between quantum field theories, has been a major source of progress in mathematics. At the 1994 ICM, Kontsevich reinterpreted mirror symmetry as a deep categorical duality: the HMS conjecture states that the derived category of coherent sheaves of a smooth projective variety is equivalent to the Fukaya category of a mirror symplectic manifold (or Landau-Ginzburg model). We are happy to announce that the Simons Foundation has agreed to renew funding for the HMS collaboration program for three additional years.

    A brief induction of the Brandeis-Harvard CMSA HMS/SYZ research agenda and team members are as follow:


    Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)

    Born in Canton, China, in 1949, S.-T. Yau grew up in Hong Kong, and studied in the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1966 to 1969. He did his PhD at UC Berkeley from 1969 to 1971, as a student of S.S. Chern. He spent a year as a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and a year as assistant professor at SUNY at Stony Brook. He joined the faculty at Stanford in 1973. On a Sloan Fellowship, he spent a semester at the Courant Institute in 1975. He visited UCLA the following year, and was offered a professorship at UC Berkeley in 1977. He was there for a year, before returning to Stanford. He was a plenary speaker at the 1978 ICM in Helsinki. The following year, he became a faculty member at the IAS in Princeton. He moved to UCSD in 1984. Yau came to Harvard in 1987, and was appointed the Higgins Professor of Mathematics in 1997. He has been at Harvard ever since. Yau has received numerous prestigious awards and honors throughout his career. He was named a California Scientist of the Year in 1979. In 1981, he received a Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry and a John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science, and was elected a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. In 1982, he received a Fields Medal for “his contributions to partial differential equations, to the Calabi conjecture in algebraic geometry, to the positive mass conjecture of general relativity theory, and to real and complex MongeAmpre equations”. He was named Science Digest, America’s 100 Brightest Scientists under 40, in 1984. In 1991, he received a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. He was awarded a Crafoord Prize in 1994, a US National Medal of Science in 1997, and a China International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award, for “his outstanding contribution to PRC in aspects of making progress in sciences and technology, training researchers” in 2003. In 2010, he received a Wolf Prize in Mathematics, for “his work in geometric analysis and mathematical physics”. Yau has also received a number of research fellowships, which include a Sloan Fellowship in 1975-1976, a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1982, and a MacArthur Fellowship in 1984-1985. Yau’s research interests include differential and algebraic geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. As a graduate student, he started to work on geometry of manifolds with negative curvature. He later became interested in developing the subject of geometric analysis, and applying the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations to solve problems in geometry, topology, and physics. His work in this direction include constructions of minimal submanifolds, harmonic maps, and canonical metrics on manifolds. The most notable, and probably the most influential of this, was his solution of the Calabi conjecture on Ricci flat metrics, and the existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics. He has also succeeded in applying his theory to solve a number of outstanding conjectures in algebraic geometry, including Chern number inequalities, and the rigidity of complex structures of complex projective spaces. Yau’s solution to the Calabi conjecture has been remarkably influential in mathematical physics over the last 30 years, through the creation of the theory of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a theory central to mirror symmetry. He and a team of outstanding mathematicians trained by him, have developed many important tools and concepts in CY geometry and mirror symmetry, which have led to significant progress in deformation theory, and on outstanding problems in enumerative geometry. Lian, Yau and his postdocs have developed a systematic approach to study and compute period integrals of CY and general type manifolds. Lian, Liu and Yau (independently by Givental) gave a proof of the counting formula of Candelas et al for worldsheet instantons on the quintic threefold. In the course of understanding mirror symmetry, Strominger, Yau, and Zaslow proposed a new geometric construction of mirror symmetry, now known as the SYZ construction. This has inspired a rapid development in CY geometry over the last two decades. In addition to CY geometry and mirror symmetry, Yau has done influential work on nonlinear partial differential equations, generalized geometry, Kahler geometry, and general relativity. His proof of positive mass conjecture is a widely regarded as a cornerstone in the classical theory of general relativity. In addition to publishing well over 350 research papers, Yau has trained more than 60 PhD students in a broad range of fields, and mentored dozens of postdoctoral fellows over the last 40 years.

    Professor Bong Lian (Brandeis University)

    BongBorn in Malaysia in 1962, Bong Lian completed his PhD in physics at Yale University under the direction of G. Zuckerman in 1991. He joined the permanent faculty at Brandeis University in 1995, and has remained there since. Between 1995 and 2013, he had had visiting research positions at numerous places, including the National University of Taiwan, Harvard University, and Tsinghua University. Lian received a J.S. Guggenheim Fellowship in 2003. He was awarded a Chern Prize at the ICCM in Taipei in 2013, for his “influential and fundamental contributions in mathematical physics, in particular in the theory of vertex algebras and mirror symmetry.” He has also been co-Director, since 2014, of the Tsinghua Mathcamp, a summer outreach program launched by him and Yau for mathematically talented teenagers in China. Since 2008, Lian has been the President of the International Science Foundation of Cambridge, a non-profit whose stated mission is “to provide financial and logistical support to scholars and universities, to promote basic research and education in mathematical sciences, especially in the Far East.” Over the last 20 years, he has mentored a number of postdocs and PhD students. His research has been supported by an NSF Focused Research Grant since 2009. Published in well over 60 papers over 25 years, Lian’s mathematical work lies in the interface between representation theory, Calabi-Yau geometry, and string theory. Beginning in the late 80’s, Lian, jointly with Zuckerman, developed the theory of semi-infinite cohomology and applied it to problems in string theory. In 1994, he constructed a new invariant (now known as the Lian- Zuckerman algebra) of a topological vertex algebra, and conjectured the first example of a G algebra in vertex algebra theory. The invariant has later inspired a new construction of quantum groups by I. Frenkel and A. Zeitlin, as semi-infinite cohomology of braided vertex algebras, and led to a more recent discovery of new relationships between Courant algebroids, A-algebras, operads, and deformation theory of BV algebras. In 2010, he and his students Linshaw and Song developed important applications of vertex algebras in equivariant topology. Lian’s work in CY geometry and mirror symmetry began in early 90’s. Using a characteristic p version of higher order Schwarzian equations, Lian and Yau gave an elementary proof that the instanton formula of Candelas et al implies Clemens’s divisibility conjecture for the quintic threefold, for infinitely many degrees. In 1996, Lian (jointly with Hosono and Yau) answered the so-called Large Complex Structure Limit problem in the affirmative in many important cases. Around the same year, they announced their hyperplane conjecture, which gives a general formula for period integrals for a large class of CY manifolds, extending the formula of Candelas et al. Soon after, Lian, Liu and Yau (independently by Givental) gave a proof of the counting formula. In 2003, inspired by mirror symmetry, Lian (jointly with Hosono, Oguiso and Yau) discovered an explicit counting formula for Fourier-Mukai partners, and settled an old problem of Shioda on abelian and K3 surfaces. Between 2009 and 2014, Lian (jointly with Bloch, Chen, Huang, Song, Srinivas, Yau, and Zhu) developed an entirely new approach to study the so-called Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals of CY manifolds, and extended it to general type manifolds. The approach leads to an explicit description of differential systems for period integrals with many applications. In particular, he answered an old question in physics on the completeness of Picard-Fuchs systems, and constructed new differential zeros of hypergeometric functions.

    Denis Auroux (Harvard University)

    AurouxDenis Auroux’s research concerns symplectic geometry and its applications to mirror symmetry. While his early work primarily concerned the topology of symplectic 4-manifolds, over the past decade Auroux has obtained pioneering results on homological mirror symmetry outside of the Calabi-Yau setting (for Fano varieties, open Riemann surfaces, etc.), and developed an extension of the SYZ approach to non-Calabi-Yau spaces.After obtaining his PhD in 1999 from Ecole Polytechnique (France), Auroux was employed as Chargé de Recherche at CNRS and CLE Moore Instructor at MIT, before joining the faculty at MIT in 2002 (as Assistant Professor from 2002 to 2004, and as Associate Professor from 2004 to 2009, with tenure starting in 2006). He then moved to UC Berkeley as a Full Professor in 2009.
    Auroux has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles, including several in top journals, and given 260 invited presentations about his work. He received an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2005, was an invited speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians, and in 2014 he was one of the two inaugural recipients of the Poincaré Chair at IHP. He has supervised 10 PhD dissertations, won teaching awards at MIT and Berkeley, and participated in the organization of over 20 workshops and conferences in symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry.

    Senior Personnel:

    Artan Sheshmani (Harvard CMSA)

    unnamedArtan Sheshmani’s research is focused on enumerative algebraic geometry and mathematical aspects of string theory. He is interested in applying techniques in algebraic geometry, such as, intersection theory, derived category theory, and derived algebraic geometry to construct and compute the deformation invariants of algebraic varieties, in particular Gromov-Witten (GW) or Donaldson-Thomas (DT) invariants. In the past Professor Sheshmani has worked on proving modularity property of certain DT invariants of K3-fibered threefolds (as well as their closely related Pandharipande-Thomas (PT) invariants), local surface threefolds, and general complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefolds. The modularity of DT/PT invariants in this context is predicted in a famous conjecture of  string theory called S-duality modularity conjecture, and his joint work has provided the proof to some cases of it, using degenerations, virtual localizations, as well as wallcrossing techniques. Recently, Sheshmani has focused on proving a series of dualities relating the various enumerative invariants over threefolds, notably the GW invariants and invariants that arise in topological gauge theory. In particular in his joint work with Gholampour, Gukov, Liu, Yau he studied DT gauge theory and its reductions to D=4 and D=2 which are equivalent to local theory of surfaces in Calabi-Yau threefolds. Moreover, in a recent joint work with Yau and Diaconescu, he has studied the construction and computation of DT invariants of Calabi-Yau fourfolds via a suitable derived categorical reduction of the theory to the DT theory of threefolds. Currently Sheshmani is interested in a wide range of problems in enumerative geometry of CY varieties in dimensions 3,4,5.

    Artan has received his PhD and Master’s degrees in pure mathematics under Sheldon Katz and Thomas Nevins from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA) in 2011 and 2008 respectively. He holds a Master’s degree in Solid Mechanics (2004) and two Bachelor’s degrees, in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.  Artan has been a tenured Associate Professor of Mathematics with joint affiliation at Harvard CMSA and center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces (QGM), since 2016. Before that he has held visiting Associate Professor and visiting Assistant Professor positions at MIT.

    An Huang (Brandeis University)

    unnamedThe research of An Huang since 2011 has been focused on the interplay between algebraic geometry, the theory of special functions and mirror symmetry. With S. Bloch, B. Lian, V. Srinivas, S.-T. Yau, X. Zhu, he has developed the theory of tautological systems, and has applied it to settle several important problems concerning period integrals in relation to mirror symmetry. With B. Lian and X. Zhu, he has given a precise geometric interpretation of all solutions to GKZ systems associated to Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in smooth Fano toric varieties. With B. Lian, S.-T. Yau, and C.-L. Yu, he has proved a conjecture of Vlasenko concerning an explicit formula for unit roots of the zeta functions of hypersurfaces, and has further related these roots to p-adic interpolations of complex period integrals. Beginning in 2018, with B. Stoica and S.-T. Yau, he has initiated the study of p-adic strings in curved spacetime, and showed that general relativity is a consequence of the self-consistency of quantum p-adic strings. One of the goals of this study is to understand p-adic A and B models.

    An Huang received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Mathematics Department, and joined Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics in 2016.

    Siu Cheong Lau (Boston University)

    The research interest of Siu Cheong Lau lies in SYZ mirror symmetry, symplectic and algebraic geometry.  His thesis work has successfully constructed the SYZ mirrors for all toric Calabi-Yau manifolds based on quantum corrections by open Gromov-Witten invariants and their wall-crossing phenomenon.  In collaboration with N.C. Leung, H.H. Tseng and K. Chan, he derived explicit formulas for the open Gromov-Witten invariants for semi-Fano toric manifolds which have an obstructed moduli theory.  It has a beautiful relation with mirror maps and Seidel representations.   Recently he works on a local-to-global approach to SYZ mirror symmetry.  In joint works with C.H. Cho and H. Hong, he developed a noncommutative local mirror construction for immersed Lagrangians, and a natural gluing method to construct global mirrors.  The construction has been realized in various types of geometries including orbifolds, focus-focus singularities and pair-of-pants decompositions of Riemann surfaces.

    Siu-Cheong Lau has received the Doctoral Thesis Gold Award (2012) and the Best Paper Silver Award (2017) at the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians.  He was awarded the Simons Collaboration Grant in 2018.  He received a Certificate of Teaching Excellence from Harvard University in 2014.


    • Netanel Rubin-Blaier (Cambridge)
    • Kwokwai Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Mandy Cheung (Harvard University, BP)
    • Chuck Doran (University of Alberta)
    • Honsol Hong (Yonsei University)
    • Shinobu Hosono (Gakushuin University, Japan)
    • Conan Leung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Yu-shen Lin (Boston University)
    • Hossein Movassati (IMPA Brazil)
    • Arnav Tripathhy (Harvard University, BP)



    • Dennis Borisov
    • Tsung-Ju Lee
    • Dingxin Zhang
    • Jingyu Zhao
    • Yang Zhou


    Postdoctoral Fellowship in Algebraic Geometry

    Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences


    To learn about previous programming as part of the Simons Collaboration, click here.

  • 01


    9:44 pm

    During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter. New ideas rooted in topology have recently had a big impact on condensed matter physics, and have highlighted new connections with high energy physics, mathematics and quantum information theory. Additionally, these ideas have found applications in the design of photonic systems and of materials with novel mechanical properties. The aim of this program will be to deepen these connections by foster discussion and seeding new collaborations within and across disciplines.

    As part of the Program, the CMSA will be hosting two workshops:


    Additionally, a weekly Topology Seminar will be held on Mondays from 10:00-11:30pm in CMSA room G10.

    Here is a partial list of the mathematicians who have indicated that they will attend part or all of this special program
    NameTentative Visiting Dates

    Jason Alicea

    Maissam Barkeshli4/22/2019 – 4/26/2019
    Xie Chen4/15-17/2019 4/19-21/2019 4/24-30/2019

    Lukasz Fidkowski


    Zhengcheng Gu

    8/15/2018-8/30/2018 & 5/9/2019-5/19/2019

    Yin Chen He

    Anton Kapustin8/26/2018-8/30/2018 & 3/28/2019-4/5/2019

    Michael Levin

    Yuan-Ming Lu4/29/2019-6/01/2019

    Adam Nahum

    4/2/2019- 4/19/2019

    Masaki Oshikawa

    Chong Wang 10/22/2018-11/16/2018

    Juven Wang

    Cenke Xu 8/26/2018-10/1/2018

    Yi-Zhuang You


    Mike Zaletel

  • 01

    Topological Insulators and Mathematical Science – Conference and Program

    2:00 pm-7:00 pm

    The CMSA will be hosting a conference on the subject of topological insulators and mathematical science on September 15-17.  Seminars will take place each day from 2:00-7:00pm in Science Center Hall D, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA.

  • 15

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 15

    Quantum information and extended topological quantum field theory 

    12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Member Seminar

    Speaker: Gabriel Wong

    Title: Quantum information and extended topological quantum field theory

    Abstract: Recently, ideas from quantum information theory have played an important role in condensed matter and quantum gravity research. Most of these applications focus on the entanglement structure of quantum states, and the computation of entanglement measures such as entanglement entropy has been an essential part of the story. In this talk, we will address some subtleties that arise when trying to define entanglement entropy in quantum field theory and quantum gravity. In particular, we will explain why extended topological field theory provides a useful framework to define and compute entanglement entropy in a continuous system. Time permitting, we will explain some recent applications of these ideas in low dimensional quantum gravity and to topological string theory.



  • 16

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 16

    GRAMSIA: Graphical Models, Statistical Inference, and Algorithms

    9:00 am-5:00 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    On May 16 – May 19, 2023 the CMSA hosted a four-day workshop on GRAMSIA: Graphical Models, Statistical Inference, and Algorithms. The workshop was held in room G10 of the CMSA, located at 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA. This workshop was organized by David Gamarnik (MIT), Kavita Ramanan (Brown), and Prasad Tetali  (Carnegie Mellon).

    The purpose of this workshop is to highlight various mathematical questions and issues associated with graphical models and message-passing algorithms, and to bring together a group of researchers for discussion of the latest progress and challenges ahead. In addition to the substantial impact of graphical models on applied areas, they are also connected to various branches of the mathematical sciences. Rather than focusing on the applications, the primary goal is to highlight and deepen these mathematical connections.

    Location: Room G10, CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge MA 02138


    • Jake Abernethy (Georgia Tech)
    • Guy Bresler (MIT)
    • Florent Krzakala (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
    • Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research New England)
    • Theo McKenzie (Harvard)
    • Andrea Montanari (Stanford)
    • Elchanan Mossel (MIT)
    • Yury Polyanskiy (MIT)
    • Patrick Rebeschini (Oxford)
    • Subhabrata Sen (Harvard)
    • Devavrat Shah (MIT)
    • Pragya Sur (Harvard)
    • Alex Wein (UC Davis)
    • Yihong Wu (Yale)
    • Sarath Yasodharan (Brown)
    • Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard)
    • Christina Lee Yu (Cornell)
    • Ilias Zadik (MIT)

    Tuesday, May 16, 2023

    9:00 amBreakfast
    9:15 – 9:30 amIntroductory remarks by organizers
    9:30 – 10:20 amSubhabrata Sen (Harvard)

    Title: Mean-field approximations for high-dimensional Bayesian regression

    Abstract: Variational approximations provide an attractive computational alternative to MCMC-based strategies for approximating the posterior distribution in Bayesian inference. The Naive Mean-Field (NMF) approximation is the simplest version of this strategy—this approach approximates the posterior in KL divergence by a product distribution. There has been considerable progress recently in understanding the accuracy of NMF under structural constraints such as sparsity, but not much is known in the absence of such constraints. Moreover, in some high-dimensional settings, the NMF is expected to be grossly inaccurate, and advanced mean-field techniques (e.g. Bethe approximation) are expected to provide accurate approximations. We will present some recent work in understanding this duality in the context of high-dimensional regression. This is based on joint work with Sumit Mukherjee (Columbia) and Jiaze Qiu (Harvard University).

    10:30 – 11:00 amCoffee break 
    11:00 – 11:50 amElchanan Mossel (MIT)

    Title: Some modern perspectives on the Kesten-Stigum bound for reconstruction on trees.

    Abstract: The Kesten-Stigum bound is a fundamental spectral bound for reconstruction on trees. I will discuss some conjectures and recent progress on understanding when it is tight as well as some conjectures and recent progress on what it signifies even in cases where it is not tight.

    12:00 – 2:00 pmLunch
    2:00 – 2:50 pmChristina Lee Yu (Cornell)

    Title: Exploiting Neighborhood Interference with Low Order Interactions under Unit Randomized Design

    Abstract: Network interference, where the outcome of an individual is affected by the treatment assignment of those in their social network, is pervasive in many real-world settings. However, it poses a challenge to estimating causal effects. We consider the task of estimating the total treatment effect (TTE), or the difference between the average outcomes of the population when everyone is treated versus when no one is, under network interference. Under a Bernoulli randomized design, we utilize knowledge of the network structure to provide an unbiased estimator for the TTE when network interference effects are constrained to low order interactions among neighbors of an individual. We make no assumptions on the graph other than bounded degree, allowing for well-connected networks that may not be easily clustered. Central to our contribution is a new framework for balancing between model flexibility and statistical complexity as captured by this low order interactions structure.

    3:00 – 3:30 pmCoffee break
    3:30 – 4:20 pmTheo McKenzie (Harvard)

    Title: Spectral statistics for sparse random graphs

    Abstract: Understanding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of random graphs is fundamental to many algorithmic questions; moreover, it is related to longstanding questions in quantum physics. In this talk we focus on random models of sparse graphs, giving some properties that are unique to these sparse graphs, as well as some specific obstacles. Based on this, we show some new results on spectral statistics of sparse random graphs, as well as some conjectures.

    4:40 – 6:30 pmLightning talk session + welcome reception


    Wednesday, May 17, 2023

    9:00 amBreakfast
    9:30 – 10:20Ilias Zadik (MIT)

    Title: Revisiting Jerrum’s Metropolis Process for the Planted Clique Problem

    Abstract: Jerrum in 1992 (co-)introduced the planted clique model by proving the (worst-case initialization) failure of the Metropolis process to recover any o(sqrt(n))-sized clique planted in the Erdos-Renyi graph G(n,1/2). This result is classically cited in the literature of the problem, as the “first evidence” the o(sqrt(n))-sized planted clique recovery task is “algorithmically hard”.
    In this work, we show that the Metropolis process actually fails to work (under worst-case initialization) for any o(n)-sized planted clique, that is the failure applies well beyond the sqrt(n) “conjectured algorithmic threshold”. Moreover we also prove, for a large number of temperature values, that the Metropolis process fails also under “natural initialization”, resolving an open question posed by Jerrum in 1992.

    10:30 – 11:00Coffee break
    11:00 – 11:50Florent Krzakala (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)

    Title: Are Gaussian data all you need for machine learning theory?

    Abstract: Clearly, no! Nevertheless, the Gaussian assumption remains prevalent among theoreticians, particularly in high-dimensional statistics and physics, less so in traditional statistical learning circles. To what extent are Gaussian features merely a convenient choice for certain theoreticians, or genuinely an effective model for learning? In this talk, I will review recent progress on these questions, achieved using rigorous probabilistic approaches in high-dimension and techniques from mathematical statistical physics. I will demonstrate that, despite its apparent limitations, the Gaussian approach is sometimes much closer to reality than one might expect. In particular, I will discuss key findings from a series of recent papers that showcase the Gaussian equivalence of generative models, the universality of Gaussian mixtures, and the conditions under which a single Gaussian can characterize the error in high-dimensional estimation. These results illuminate the strengths and weaknesses of the Gaussian assumption, shedding light on its applicability and limitations in the realm of theoretical statistical learning.

    12:00 – 2:00 pmLunch
    2:00 – 2:50 pmAndrea Montanari (Stanford)

    Title: Dimension free ridge regression

    Abstract: Random matrix theory has become a widely useful tool in high-dimensional statistics and theoretical machine learning. However, random matrix theory is largely focused on the proportional asymptotics in which the number of columns grows proportionally to the number of rows of the data matrix. This is not always the most natural setting in statistics where columns correspond to covariates and rows to samples. With the objective to move beyond the proportional asymptotics, we revisit ridge regression. We allow the feature vector to be high-dimensional, or even infinite-dimensional, in which case it belongs to a separable Hilbert space and assume it to satisfy a certain convex concentration property. Within this setting, we establish non-asymptotic bounds that approximate the bias and variance of ridge regression in terms of the bias and variance of an ‘equivalent’ sequence model (a regression model with diagonal design matrix). Previously, such an approximation result was known only in the proportional regime and only up to additive errors: in particular, it did not allow to characterize the behavior of the excess risk when this converges to 0. Our general theory recovers earlier results in the proportional regime (with better error rates). As a new application, we obtain a completely explicit and sharp characterization of ridge regression for Hilbert covariates with regularly varying spectrum. Finally, we analyze the overparametrized near-interpolation setting and obtain sharp ‘benign overfitting’ guarantees.

    [Based on joint work with Chen Cheng]

    3:00 – 3:50 pmYury Polyanskiy (MIT)

    Title: Recent results on broadcasting on trees and stochastic block model

    Abstract: I will survey recent results and open questions regarding the q-ary stochastic block model and its local version (broadcasting on trees, or BOT). For example, establishing uniqueness of non-trivial solution to distribution recursions (BP fixed point) implies a characterization for the limiting mutual information between the graph and community labels. For q=2 uniqueness holds in all regimes. For q>2 uniqueness is currently only proved above a certain threshold that is asymptotically (for large q) is close to Kesten-Stigum (KS) threshold. At the same time between the BOT reconstruction and KS we show that uniqueness does not hold, at least in the presence of (arbitrary small) vertex-level side information. I will also discuss extension of the robust reconstruction result of Janson-Mossel’2004.

    Based on joint works with Qian Yu (Princeton) and Yuzhou Gu (MIT).

    4:00 – 4:30 pmCoffee break
    4:30 – 5:20 pmAlex Wein (UC Davis)

    Title: Is Planted Coloring Easier than Planted Clique?

    Abstract: The task of finding a planted clique in the random graph G(n,1/2) is perhaps the canonical example of a statistical-computational gap: for some clique sizes, the task is statistically possible but believed to be computationally hard. Really, there are multiple well-studied tasks related to the planted clique model: detection, recovery, and refutation. While these are equally difficult in the case of planted clique, this need not be true in general. In the related planted coloring model, I will discuss the computational complexity of these three tasks and the interplay among them. Our computational hardness results are based on the low-degree polynomial model of computation.By taking the complement of the graph, the planted coloring model is analogous to the planted clique model but with many planted cliques. Here our conclusion is that adding more cliques makes the detection problem easier but not the recovery problem.


    Thursday, May 18, 2023

    9:30 – 10:20Guy Bresler (MIT)

    Title: Algorithmic Decorrelation and Planted Clique in Dependent Random Graphs

    Abstract: There is a growing collection of average-case reductions starting from Planted Clique (or Planted Dense Subgraph) and mapping to a variety of statistics problems, sharply characterizing their computational phase transitions. These reductions transform an instance of Planted Clique, a highly structured problem with its simple clique signal and independent noise, to problems with richer structure. In this talk we aim to make progress in the other direction: to what extent can these problems, which often have complicated dependent noise, be transformed back to Planted Clique? Such a bidirectional reduction between Planted Clique and another problem shows a strong computational equivalence between the two problems.  We develop a new general framework for reasoning about the validity of average-case reductions based on low sensitivity to perturbations. As a concrete instance of our general result, we consider the planted clique (or dense subgraph) problem in an ambient graph that has dependent edges induced by randomly adding triangles to the Erdos-Renyi graph G(n,p), and show how to successfully eliminate dependence by carefully removing the triangles while approximately preserving the clique (or dense subgraph). Joint work with Chenghao Guo and Yury Polyanskiy.

    10:30 – 11:00Coffee break 
    11:00 – 11:50Sarath Yasodharan (Brown)

    Title: A Sanov-type theorem for unimodular marked random graphs and its applications

    Abstract: We prove a Sanov-type large deviation principle for the component empirical measures of certain sequences of unimodular random graphs (including Erdos-Renyi and random regular graphs) whose vertices are marked with i.i.d. random variables. Specifically, we show that the rate function can be expressed in a fairly tractable form involving suitable relative entropy functionals. As a corollary, we establish a variational formula for the annealed pressure (or limiting log partition function) for various statistical physics models on sparse random graphs. This is joint work with I-Hsun Chen and Kavita Ramanan.

    12:00 – 12:15 pm

    12:15 – 2:00 pm

    Group Photo


    2:00 – 2:50 pmPatrick Rebeschini (Oxford)

    Title: Implicit regularization via uniform convergence

    Abstract: Uniform convergence is one of the main tools to analyze the complexity of learning algorithms based on explicit regularization, but it has shown limited applicability in the context of implicit regularization. In this talk, we investigate the statistical guarantees on the excess risk achieved by early-stopped mirror descent run on the unregularized empirical risk with the squared loss for linear models and kernel methods. We establish a direct link between the potential-based analysis of mirror descent from optimization theory and uniform learning. This link allows characterizing the statistical performance of the path traced by mirror descent directly in terms of localized Rademacher complexities of function classes depending on the choice of the mirror map, initialization point, step size, and the number of iterations. We will discuss other results along the way.

    3:00 – 3:50 pmPragya Sur (Harvard)

    Title: A New Central Limit Theorem for the Augmented IPW estimator in high dimensions

    Abstract: Estimating the average treatment effect (ATE) is a central problem in causal inference. Modern advances in the field studied estimation and inference for the ATE in high dimensions through a variety of approaches. Doubly robust estimators such as the augmented inverse probability weighting (AIPW) form a popular approach in this context. However, the high-dimensional literature surrounding these estimators relies on sparsity conditions, either on the outcome regression (OR) or the propensity score (PS) model. This talk will introduce a new central limit theorem for the classical AIPW estimator, that applies agnostic to such sparsity-type assumptions. Specifically, we will study properties of the cross-fit version of the estimator under well-specified OR and PS models, and the proportional asymptotics regime where the number of confounders and sample size diverge proportional to each other. Under assumptions on the covariate distribution, our CLT will uncover two crucial phenomena among others: (i) the cross-fit AIPW exhibits a substantial variance inflation that can be quantified in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio and other problem parameters, (ii) the asymptotic covariance between the estimators used while cross-fitting is non-negligible even on the root-n scale. These findings are strikingly different from their classical counterparts, and open a vista of possibilities for studying similar other high-dimensional effects. On the technical front, our work utilizes a novel interplay between three distinct tools—approximate message passing theory, the theory of deterministic equivalents, and the leave-one-out approach.

    4:00 – 4:30 pmCoffee break
    4:30 – 5:20 pmYihong Wu (Yale)

    Title: Random graph matching at Otter’s threshold via counting chandeliers

    Abstract: We propose an efficient algorithm for graph matching based on similarity scores constructed from counting a certain family of weighted trees rooted at each vertex. For two Erdős–Rényi graphs G(n,q) whose edges are correlated through a latent vertex correspondence, we show that this algorithm correctly matches all but a vanishing fraction of the vertices with high probability, provided that nq\to\infty and the edge correlation coefficient ρ satisfies ρ^2>α≈0.338, where α is Otter’s tree-counting constant. Moreover, this almost exact matching can be made exact under an extra condition that is information-theoretically necessary. This is the first polynomial-time graph matching algorithm that succeeds at an explicit constant correlation and applies to both sparse and dense graphs. In comparison, previous methods either require ρ=1−o(1) or are restricted to sparse graphs. The crux of the algorithm is a carefully curated family of rooted trees called chandeliers, which allows effective extraction of the graph correlation from the counts of the same tree while suppressing the undesirable correlation between those of different trees. This is joint work with Cheng Mao, Jiaming Xu, and Sophie Yu, available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.12313


    Friday, May 19, 2023

    9:30 – 10:20Jake Abernethy (Georgia Tech)

    Title: Optimization, Learning, and Margin-maximization via Playing Games

    Abstract: A very popular trick for solving certain types of optimization problems is this: write your objective as the solution of a two-player zero-sum game, endow both players with an appropriate learning algorithm, watch how the opponents compete, and extract an (approximate) solution from the actions/decisions taken by the players throughout the process. This approach is very generic and provides a natural template to produce new and interesting algorithms. I will describe this framework and show how it applies in several scenarios, including optimization, learning, and margin-maximiation problems. Along the way we will encounter a number of novel tools and rediscover some classical ones as well.

    10:30 – 11:00Coffee break 
    11:00 – 11:50Devavrat Shah (MIT)

    Title: On counterfactual inference with unobserved confounding via exponential family

    Abstract: We are interested in the problem of unit-level counterfactual inference with unobserved confounders owing to the increasing importance of personalized decision-making in many domains: consider a recommender system interacting with a user over time where each user is provided recommendations based on observed demographics, prior engagement levels as well as certain unobserved factors. The system adapts its recommendations sequentially and differently for each user. Ideally, at each point in time, the system wants to infer each user’s unknown engagement if it were exposed to a different sequence of recommendations while everything else remained unchanged. This task is challenging since: (a) the unobserved factors could give rise to spurious associations, (b) the users could be heterogeneous, and (c) only a single trajectory per user is available.

    We model the underlying joint distribution through an exponential family. This reduces the task of unit-level counterfactual inference to simultaneously learning a collection of distributions of a given exponential family with different unknown parameters with single observation per distribution. We discuss a computationally efficient method for learning all of these parameters with estimation error scaling linearly with the metric entropy of the space of unknown parameters – if the parameters are an s-sparse linear combination of k known vectors in p dimension, the error scales as O(s log k/p).  En route, we derive sufficient conditions for compactly supported distributions to satisfy the logarithmic Sobolev inequality.

    Based on a joint work with Raaz Dwivedi, Abhin Shah and Greg Wornell (all at MIT) with manuscript available here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.08209

    12:00 – 2:00 pmLunch 
    2:00 – 2:50 pmLester Mackey  (Microsoft Research New England)

    Title: Advances in Distribution Compression

    Abstract: This talk will introduce two new tools for summarizing a probability distribution more effectively than independent sampling or standard Markov chain Monte Carlo thinning:
    1. Given an initial n-point summary (for example, from independent sampling or a Markov chain), kernel thinning finds a subset of only square-root n-points with comparable worst-case integration error across a reproducing kernel Hilbert space.
    2. If the initial summary suffers from biases due to off-target sampling, tempering, or burn-in, Stein thinning simultaneously compresses the summary and improves the accuracy by correcting for these biases.
    These tools are especially well-suited for tasks that incur substantial downstream computation costs per summary point like organ and tissue modeling in which each simulation consumes 1000s of CPU hours.
    Based on joint work with Raaz Dwivedi, Marina Riabiz, Wilson Ye Chen, Jon Cockayne, Pawel Swietach, Steven A. Niederer, Chris. J. Oates, Abhishek Shetty, and Carles Domingo-Enrich.

    3:00 – 3:30 pmCoffee break
    3:30 – 4:20 pmHorng-Tzer Yau (Harvard)

    Title: On the spectral gap of mean-field spin glass models.

    Abstract: We will discuss recent progress regarding spectral gaps for the Glauber dynamics of spin glasses at high temperature. In addition, we will also report on estimating the operator norm  of the covariance matrix for the SK model.


    Moderators: Benjamin McKenna, Harvard CMSA & Changji Xu, Harvard CMSA


    CMSA COVID-19 Policies


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    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



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    9:48 pm

    Recent developments have poised this area to make serious advances in 2019, and we feel that bringing together many of the relevant experts for an intensive semester of discussions and collaboration will trigger some great things to happen. To this end, the organizers will host a small workshop during fall 2019, with between 20-30 participants. They will also invite 10-20 longer-term visitors throughout the semester. Additionally, there will be a seminar held weekly on Thursdays at 2:30pm in CMSA G10.





    Here is a partial list of the mathematicians and physicists who have indicated that they will attend part or all of this special program as a visitor:

  • 01

    Mathematical Biology

    9:45 pm-9:46 pm

    During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Mathematical Biology.

    Just over a century ago, the biologist, mathematician and philologist D’Arcy Thompson wrote “On growth and form”. The book was a visionary synthesis of the geometric biology of form at the time. It also served as a call for mathematical and physical approaches to understanding the evolution and development of shape.

    In the century since its publication, we have seen a revolution in biology following the discovery of the genetic code, which has uncovered the molecular and cellular basis for life, combined with the ability to probe the chemical, structural, and dynamical nature of molecules, cells, tissues and organs across scales. In parallel, we have seen a blossoming of our understanding of spatiotemporal patterning in physical systems, and a gradual unveiling of the complexity of physical form. And in mathematics and computation, there has been a revolution in terms of posing and solving problems at the intersection of computational geometry, statistics and inference.  So, how far are we from realizing a descriptive, predictive and controllable theory of biological shape?

    In Fall 2018, CMSA will focus on a program that aims at recent mathematical advances in describing shape using geometry and statistics in a biological context, while also considering a range of physical theories that can predict biological shape at scales ranging from macromolecular assemblies to whole organ systems

    The CMSA will be hosting three workshops as part of this program. The Workshop on Morphometrics, Morphogenesis and Mathematics will take place on October 22-26. 

    A workshop on Morphogenesis: Geometry and Physics will take place on December 3-6, 2018.

    A workshop on Invariance and Geometry in Sensation, Action and Cognition will take place on April 15-17, 2019.

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    9:49 pm

    The Simons Collaboration program in Homological Mirror Symmetry at Harvard CMSA and Brandeis University is part of the bigger Simons collaboration program on Homological mirror symmetry (https://schms.math.berkeley.edu) which brings to CMSA experts on algebraic geometry, Symplectic geometry, Arithmetic geometry, Quantum topology and mathematical aspects of high energy physics, specially string theory with the goal of proving the homological mirror symmetry conjecture (HMS) in full generality and explore its applications. Mirror symmetry, which emerged in the late 1980s as an unexpected physical duality between quantum field theories, has been a major source of progress in mathematics. At the 1994 ICM, Kontsevich reinterpreted mirror symmetry as a deep categorical duality: the HMS conjecture states that the derived category of coherent sheaves of a smooth projective variety is equivalent to the Fukaya category of a mirror symplectic manifold (or Landau-Ginzburg model). We are happy to announce that the Simons Foundation has agreed to renew funding for the HMS collaboration program for three additional years.

    A brief induction of the Brandeis-Harvard CMSA HMS/SYZ research agenda and team members are as follow:


    Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)

    Born in Canton, China, in 1949, S.-T. Yau grew up in Hong Kong, and studied in the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1966 to 1969. He did his PhD at UC Berkeley from 1969 to 1971, as a student of S.S. Chern. He spent a year as a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and a year as assistant professor at SUNY at Stony Brook. He joined the faculty at Stanford in 1973. On a Sloan Fellowship, he spent a semester at the Courant Institute in 1975. He visited UCLA the following year, and was offered a professorship at UC Berkeley in 1977. He was there for a year, before returning to Stanford. He was a plenary speaker at the 1978 ICM in Helsinki. The following year, he became a faculty member at the IAS in Princeton. He moved to UCSD in 1984. Yau came to Harvard in 1987, and was appointed the Higgins Professor of Mathematics in 1997. He has been at Harvard ever since. Yau has received numerous prestigious awards and honors throughout his career. He was named a California Scientist of the Year in 1979. In 1981, he received a Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry and a John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science, and was elected a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. In 1982, he received a Fields Medal for “his contributions to partial differential equations, to the Calabi conjecture in algebraic geometry, to the positive mass conjecture of general relativity theory, and to real and complex MongeAmpre equations”. He was named Science Digest, America’s 100 Brightest Scientists under 40, in 1984. In 1991, he received a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. He was awarded a Crafoord Prize in 1994, a US National Medal of Science in 1997, and a China International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award, for “his outstanding contribution to PRC in aspects of making progress in sciences and technology, training researchers” in 2003. In 2010, he received a Wolf Prize in Mathematics, for “his work in geometric analysis and mathematical physics”. Yau has also received a number of research fellowships, which include a Sloan Fellowship in 1975-1976, a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1982, and a MacArthur Fellowship in 1984-1985. Yau’s research interests include differential and algebraic geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. As a graduate student, he started to work on geometry of manifolds with negative curvature. He later became interested in developing the subject of geometric analysis, and applying the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations to solve problems in geometry, topology, and physics. His work in this direction include constructions of minimal submanifolds, harmonic maps, and canonical metrics on manifolds. The most notable, and probably the most influential of this, was his solution of the Calabi conjecture on Ricci flat metrics, and the existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics. He has also succeeded in applying his theory to solve a number of outstanding conjectures in algebraic geometry, including Chern number inequalities, and the rigidity of complex structures of complex projective spaces. Yau’s solution to the Calabi conjecture has been remarkably influential in mathematical physics over the last 30 years, through the creation of the theory of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a theory central to mirror symmetry. He and a team of outstanding mathematicians trained by him, have developed many important tools and concepts in CY geometry and mirror symmetry, which have led to significant progress in deformation theory, and on outstanding problems in enumerative geometry. Lian, Yau and his postdocs have developed a systematic approach to study and compute period integrals of CY and general type manifolds. Lian, Liu and Yau (independently by Givental) gave a proof of the counting formula of Candelas et al for worldsheet instantons on the quintic threefold. In the course of understanding mirror symmetry, Strominger, Yau, and Zaslow proposed a new geometric construction of mirror symmetry, now known as the SYZ construction. This has inspired a rapid development in CY geometry over the last two decades. In addition to CY geometry and mirror symmetry, Yau has done influential work on nonlinear partial differential equations, generalized geometry, Kahler geometry, and general relativity. His proof of positive mass conjecture is a widely regarded as a cornerstone in the classical theory of general relativity. In addition to publishing well over 350 research papers, Yau has trained more than 60 PhD students in a broad range of fields, and mentored dozens of postdoctoral fellows over the last 40 years.

    Professor Bong Lian (Brandeis University)

    BongBorn in Malaysia in 1962, Bong Lian completed his PhD in physics at Yale University under the direction of G. Zuckerman in 1991. He joined the permanent faculty at Brandeis University in 1995, and has remained there since. Between 1995 and 2013, he had had visiting research positions at numerous places, including the National University of Taiwan, Harvard University, and Tsinghua University. Lian received a J.S. Guggenheim Fellowship in 2003. He was awarded a Chern Prize at the ICCM in Taipei in 2013, for his “influential and fundamental contributions in mathematical physics, in particular in the theory of vertex algebras and mirror symmetry.” He has also been co-Director, since 2014, of the Tsinghua Mathcamp, a summer outreach program launched by him and Yau for mathematically talented teenagers in China. Since 2008, Lian has been the President of the International Science Foundation of Cambridge, a non-profit whose stated mission is “to provide financial and logistical support to scholars and universities, to promote basic research and education in mathematical sciences, especially in the Far East.” Over the last 20 years, he has mentored a number of postdocs and PhD students. His research has been supported by an NSF Focused Research Grant since 2009. Published in well over 60 papers over 25 years, Lian’s mathematical work lies in the interface between representation theory, Calabi-Yau geometry, and string theory. Beginning in the late 80’s, Lian, jointly with Zuckerman, developed the theory of semi-infinite cohomology and applied it to problems in string theory. In 1994, he constructed a new invariant (now known as the Lian- Zuckerman algebra) of a topological vertex algebra, and conjectured the first example of a G algebra in vertex algebra theory. The invariant has later inspired a new construction of quantum groups by I. Frenkel and A. Zeitlin, as semi-infinite cohomology of braided vertex algebras, and led to a more recent discovery of new relationships between Courant algebroids, A-algebras, operads, and deformation theory of BV algebras. In 2010, he and his students Linshaw and Song developed important applications of vertex algebras in equivariant topology. Lian’s work in CY geometry and mirror symmetry began in early 90’s. Using a characteristic p version of higher order Schwarzian equations, Lian and Yau gave an elementary proof that the instanton formula of Candelas et al implies Clemens’s divisibility conjecture for the quintic threefold, for infinitely many degrees. In 1996, Lian (jointly with Hosono and Yau) answered the so-called Large Complex Structure Limit problem in the affirmative in many important cases. Around the same year, they announced their hyperplane conjecture, which gives a general formula for period integrals for a large class of CY manifolds, extending the formula of Candelas et al. Soon after, Lian, Liu and Yau (independently by Givental) gave a proof of the counting formula. In 2003, inspired by mirror symmetry, Lian (jointly with Hosono, Oguiso and Yau) discovered an explicit counting formula for Fourier-Mukai partners, and settled an old problem of Shioda on abelian and K3 surfaces. Between 2009 and 2014, Lian (jointly with Bloch, Chen, Huang, Song, Srinivas, Yau, and Zhu) developed an entirely new approach to study the so-called Riemann-Hilbert problem for period integrals of CY manifolds, and extended it to general type manifolds. The approach leads to an explicit description of differential systems for period integrals with many applications. In particular, he answered an old question in physics on the completeness of Picard-Fuchs systems, and constructed new differential zeros of hypergeometric functions.

    Denis Auroux (Harvard University)

    AurouxDenis Auroux’s research concerns symplectic geometry and its applications to mirror symmetry. While his early work primarily concerned the topology of symplectic 4-manifolds, over the past decade Auroux has obtained pioneering results on homological mirror symmetry outside of the Calabi-Yau setting (for Fano varieties, open Riemann surfaces, etc.), and developed an extension of the SYZ approach to non-Calabi-Yau spaces.After obtaining his PhD in 1999 from Ecole Polytechnique (France), Auroux was employed as Chargé de Recherche at CNRS and CLE Moore Instructor at MIT, before joining the faculty at MIT in 2002 (as Assistant Professor from 2002 to 2004, and as Associate Professor from 2004 to 2009, with tenure starting in 2006). He then moved to UC Berkeley as a Full Professor in 2009.
    Auroux has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles, including several in top journals, and given 260 invited presentations about his work. He received an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 2005, was an invited speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians, and in 2014 he was one of the two inaugural recipients of the Poincaré Chair at IHP. He has supervised 10 PhD dissertations, won teaching awards at MIT and Berkeley, and participated in the organization of over 20 workshops and conferences in symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry.

    Senior Personnel:

    Artan Sheshmani (Harvard CMSA)

    unnamedArtan Sheshmani’s research is focused on enumerative algebraic geometry and mathematical aspects of string theory. He is interested in applying techniques in algebraic geometry, such as, intersection theory, derived category theory, and derived algebraic geometry to construct and compute the deformation invariants of algebraic varieties, in particular Gromov-Witten (GW) or Donaldson-Thomas (DT) invariants. In the past Professor Sheshmani has worked on proving modularity property of certain DT invariants of K3-fibered threefolds (as well as their closely related Pandharipande-Thomas (PT) invariants), local surface threefolds, and general complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefolds. The modularity of DT/PT invariants in this context is predicted in a famous conjecture of  string theory called S-duality modularity conjecture, and his joint work has provided the proof to some cases of it, using degenerations, virtual localizations, as well as wallcrossing techniques. Recently, Sheshmani has focused on proving a series of dualities relating the various enumerative invariants over threefolds, notably the GW invariants and invariants that arise in topological gauge theory. In particular in his joint work with Gholampour, Gukov, Liu, Yau he studied DT gauge theory and its reductions to D=4 and D=2 which are equivalent to local theory of surfaces in Calabi-Yau threefolds. Moreover, in a recent joint work with Yau and Diaconescu, he has studied the construction and computation of DT invariants of Calabi-Yau fourfolds via a suitable derived categorical reduction of the theory to the DT theory of threefolds. Currently Sheshmani is interested in a wide range of problems in enumerative geometry of CY varieties in dimensions 3,4,5.

    Artan has received his PhD and Master’s degrees in pure mathematics under Sheldon Katz and Thomas Nevins from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA) in 2011 and 2008 respectively. He holds a Master’s degree in Solid Mechanics (2004) and two Bachelor’s degrees, in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.  Artan has been a tenured Associate Professor of Mathematics with joint affiliation at Harvard CMSA and center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces (QGM), since 2016. Before that he has held visiting Associate Professor and visiting Assistant Professor positions at MIT.

    An Huang (Brandeis University)

    unnamedThe research of An Huang since 2011 has been focused on the interplay between algebraic geometry, the theory of special functions and mirror symmetry. With S. Bloch, B. Lian, V. Srinivas, S.-T. Yau, X. Zhu, he has developed the theory of tautological systems, and has applied it to settle several important problems concerning period integrals in relation to mirror symmetry. With B. Lian and X. Zhu, he has given a precise geometric interpretation of all solutions to GKZ systems associated to Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in smooth Fano toric varieties. With B. Lian, S.-T. Yau, and C.-L. Yu, he has proved a conjecture of Vlasenko concerning an explicit formula for unit roots of the zeta functions of hypersurfaces, and has further related these roots to p-adic interpolations of complex period integrals. Beginning in 2018, with B. Stoica and S.-T. Yau, he has initiated the study of p-adic strings in curved spacetime, and showed that general relativity is a consequence of the self-consistency of quantum p-adic strings. One of the goals of this study is to understand p-adic A and B models.

    An Huang received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2011. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Mathematics Department, and joined Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics in 2016.

    Siu Cheong Lau (Boston University)

    The research interest of Siu Cheong Lau lies in SYZ mirror symmetry, symplectic and algebraic geometry.  His thesis work has successfully constructed the SYZ mirrors for all toric Calabi-Yau manifolds based on quantum corrections by open Gromov-Witten invariants and their wall-crossing phenomenon.  In collaboration with N.C. Leung, H.H. Tseng and K. Chan, he derived explicit formulas for the open Gromov-Witten invariants for semi-Fano toric manifolds which have an obstructed moduli theory.  It has a beautiful relation with mirror maps and Seidel representations.   Recently he works on a local-to-global approach to SYZ mirror symmetry.  In joint works with C.H. Cho and H. Hong, he developed a noncommutative local mirror construction for immersed Lagrangians, and a natural gluing method to construct global mirrors.  The construction has been realized in various types of geometries including orbifolds, focus-focus singularities and pair-of-pants decompositions of Riemann surfaces.

    Siu-Cheong Lau has received the Doctoral Thesis Gold Award (2012) and the Best Paper Silver Award (2017) at the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians.  He was awarded the Simons Collaboration Grant in 2018.  He received a Certificate of Teaching Excellence from Harvard University in 2014.


    • Netanel Rubin-Blaier (Cambridge)
    • Kwokwai Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Mandy Cheung (Harvard University, BP)
    • Chuck Doran (University of Alberta)
    • Honsol Hong (Yonsei University)
    • Shinobu Hosono (Gakushuin University, Japan)
    • Conan Leung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    • Yu-shen Lin (Boston University)
    • Hossein Movassati (IMPA Brazil)
    • Arnav Tripathhy (Harvard University, BP)



    • Dennis Borisov
    • Tsung-Ju Lee
    • Dingxin Zhang
    • Jingyu Zhao
    • Yang Zhou


    Postdoctoral Fellowship in Algebraic Geometry

    Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences


    To learn about previous programming as part of the Simons Collaboration, click here.

  • 01


    9:44 pm

    During Academic year 2018-19, the CMSA will be hosting a Program on Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter. New ideas rooted in topology have recently had a big impact on condensed matter physics, and have highlighted new connections with high energy physics, mathematics and quantum information theory. Additionally, these ideas have found applications in the design of photonic systems and of materials with novel mechanical properties. The aim of this program will be to deepen these connections by foster discussion and seeding new collaborations within and across disciplines.

    As part of the Program, the CMSA will be hosting two workshops:


    Additionally, a weekly Topology Seminar will be held on Mondays from 10:00-11:30pm in CMSA room G10.

    Here is a partial list of the mathematicians who have indicated that they will attend part or all of this special program
    NameTentative Visiting Dates

    Jason Alicea

    Maissam Barkeshli4/22/2019 – 4/26/2019
    Xie Chen4/15-17/2019 4/19-21/2019 4/24-30/2019

    Lukasz Fidkowski


    Zhengcheng Gu

    8/15/2018-8/30/2018 & 5/9/2019-5/19/2019

    Yin Chen He

    Anton Kapustin8/26/2018-8/30/2018 & 3/28/2019-4/5/2019

    Michael Levin

    Yuan-Ming Lu4/29/2019-6/01/2019

    Adam Nahum

    4/2/2019- 4/19/2019

    Masaki Oshikawa

    Chong Wang 10/22/2018-11/16/2018

    Juven Wang

    Cenke Xu 8/26/2018-10/1/2018

    Yi-Zhuang You


    Mike Zaletel

  • 01

    Topological Insulators and Mathematical Science – Conference and Program

    2:00 pm-7:00 pm

    The CMSA will be hosting a conference on the subject of topological insulators and mathematical science on September 15-17.  Seminars will take place each day from 2:00-7:00pm in Science Center Hall D, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA.

  • 01

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 02

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 02

    Toroidal Positive Mass Theorem

    12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Member Seminar

    Speaker: Aghil Alaee

    Title: Toroidal Positive Mass Theorem

    Abstract: In this talk, we review the positive mass conjecture in general relativity and prove a toroidal version of this conjecture in an asymptotically hyperbolic setting.

  • 03

    Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott: Michael Freedman

    11:00 am-12:30 pm

    On October 4th and October 5th, 2021, Harvard CMSA hosted the annual Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott. This year’s speaker was Michael Freedman (Microsoft). The lectures took place on Zoom.

    This will be the third annual lecture series held in honor of Raoul Bott.

    Lecture 1
    October 4th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: The Universe from a single Particle

    Abstract: I will explore a toy model  for our universe in which spontaneous symmetry breaking – acting on the level of operators (not states) – can produce the interacting physics we see about us from the simpler, single particle, quantum mechanics we study as undergraduates. Based on joint work with Modj Shokrian Zini, see arXiv:2011.05917 and arXiv:2108.12709.


    Lecture 2
    October 5th, 11:00am (Boston time)
    Title: Controlled Mather Thurston Theorems.

    Abstract: The “c-principle” is a cousin of Gromov’s h-principle in which cobordism rather than homotopy is required to (canonically) solve a problem. We show that in certain well-known c-principle contexts only the mildest cobordisms, semi-s-cobordisms, are required. In physical applications, the extra topology (a perfect fundamental group) these cobordisms introduce could easily be hidden in the UV. This leads to a proposal to recast gauge theories such as EM and the standard model in terms of flat connections rather than curvature. See arXiv:2006.00374  



  • 03
    CMSA Colloquium 05.03.2023

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): An Analytical Perspective

    12:30 pm-1:30 pm
    CMSA Room G10
    CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

    Speaker: Xin Guo, UC Berkeley

    Title: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): An Analytical Perspective

    Abstract: Generative models have attracted intense interests recently. In this talk, I will discuss one class of generative models, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).  I will first provide a gentle review of the mathematical framework behind GANs. I will then proceed to discuss a few challenges in GANs training from an analytical perspective. I will finally report some recent progress for GANs training in terms of its stability and convergence analysis.


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