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AQFT Lecture Series
March 15, 2024 @ 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
AQFT Lecture Series
Speaker: Baiying Liu (Purdue)
Title: Recent progress on certain problems related to local Arthur packets of classical groups
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce recent progress on certain problems related to local Arthur packets of classical groups. First, I will introduce a joint work with Freydoon Shahidi towards Jiang’s conjecture on the wave front sets of representations in local Arthur packets of classical groups, which is a natural generalization of Shahidi’s conjecture, confirming the relation between the structure of wave front sets and the local Arthur parameters. Then, I will introduce a joint work with Alexander Hazeltine and Chi-Heng Lo on the intersection problem of local Arthur packets for symplectic and split odd special orthogonal groups, with applications to the Enhanced Shahidi’s conjecture, the closure relation conjecture, and the conjectures of Clozel on unramified representations and on unramified components of automorphic representations. This intersection problem also has been worked out independently at the same time by Hiraku Atobe. In a recent joint work with Alexander Hazeltine, Chi-Heng Lo, and Freydoon Shahidi, we made an upper bound conjecture on wavefront sets of admissible representations of connected reductive groups. In the last part of my talk, I will introduce our recent progress towards this conjecture.