Machine Learning G2 Geometry

Hybrid New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Elli Heyes, Imperial College Title: Machine Learning G2 Geometry Abstract: Compact Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau and holonomy G2 manifolds appear in string and M-theory respectively as descriptions of the extra spatial dimensions that arise in the theories. Since 2017 machine-learning techniques have been applied extensively to study Calabi-Yau manifolds but until […]

Physical Yukawa Couplings in Heterotic String Compactifications

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Giorgi Butbaia, University of New Hampshire Title: Physical Yukawa Couplings in Heterotic String Compactifications Abstract: Calabi-Yau compactifications of the $E_8\times E_8$ heterotic string provide a promising route to recovering the four-dimensional particle physics described by the Standard Model. While the topology of the Calabi-Yau space determines the overall […]

A Tetrahedral Approach to Calabi-Yau Geometry

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Member Seminar Speaker: Charles Doran, CMSA Title: A Tetrahedral Approach to Calabi-Yau Geometry Abstract:  We will open with a quick introduction to the what and why of Calabi-Yau geometry.  Following this, we will consider the problem of deforming tetrahedra while preserving the areas of their faces, following our noses to discover a beautiful path to […]

People at CMSA – March 10-14, 2025

CMSA 20 Garden Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States

Full Name Role Office # Affiliation Dates Email Address Enric Boix Postdoctoral Fellow 116 CMSA Iacopo Brivio Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA Hugo Cui Postdoctoral Fellow 112 CMSA Tomer Ezra Postdoctoral Fellow 109 CMSA Ben Dali Houcine Postdoctoral Fellow 106 CMSA Samy Jelassi Postdoctoral Fellow 109 CMSA Uri Kol Postdoctoral […]

Comments on Non-Invertible Symmetries in K3 CFTs and the Conway Moonshine Module

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Sarah Harrison, Northeastern Title: Comments on Non-Invertible Symmetries in K3 CFTs and the Conway Moonshine Module Abstract: There is an established connection between discrete symmetry groups of K3 non-linear sigma models and a distinguished N=1 chiral SCFT called the Conway moonshine module. More specifically, all symmetry groups […]

Positive scalar curvature with point singularities

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Rudolf Zeidler, Mathematical Institute, University of Münster Title: Positive scalar curvature with point singularities Abstract: I will explain a certain topological construction of positive scalar curvature metrics with uniformly Euclidean ($L^\infty$) point singularities. This provides counterexamples to a conjecture of Schoen. It also shows that there are metrics with uniformly Euclidean […]

Introduction to the probabilistic approach to Louville theory

Science Center 507 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Leon Liu, Harvard Title: Introduction to the probabilistic approach to Louville theory Abstract: I will give an introduction to the probabilistic approach to Louville theory, following Hairer's notes.

Discovery in Mathematics with Automated Conjecturing

Hybrid - G10

New Technologies in Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Randy Davila, RelationalAI and Rice University Title: Discovery in Mathematics with Automated Conjecturing Abstract: Automated conjecturing is a form of artificial intelligence that applies heuristic-driven methods to mathematical discovery. Since the late 1980s, systems such as Fajtlowicz’s Graffiti, DeLaViña’s Graffiti.pc, and TxGraffiti have collectively contributed to over 130 publications in mathematical […]

Freedman CMSA Seminar: Michael Freedman (CMSA) & Elia Portnoy (MIT)

Hybrid - G10

Freedman CMSA Seminar Speaker: Michael Freedman, Harvard CMSA (3:00–4:00 pm ET) Title: How many links can you fit in a box? Abstract: I’ll discuss a “made up” problem on the interface of topology and packing, which may well be classified as “recreational math”.  Here is the first question suppose you have a unit box, how many unlinked […]