CMSA/MATH Welcome Back Gathering
CMSA 20 Garden Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United StatesThursday, Jan. 30, 2025 4:00 pm All CMSA and Math affiliates are invited.
Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 4:00 pm All CMSA and Math affiliates are invited.
Member Seminar Speaker: Iacopo Brivio Title: Smooth projective fibrations over the projective line and their sections Abstract: Suppose $f\colon X\to \mathbf{CP}^1$ is a smooth projective fibration, is it then true that $f$ has a section? This deceptively simple result was established by Seidel and McDuff using deep methods of symplectic geometry. Alex Pieloch recently generalized this to morphisms […]
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Juven Wang (LIMS, Royal Institution) Title: Topological to Gravitational Leptogenesis, via Ultra Unification Abstract: We propose a new mechanism for leptogenesis, named Topological Leptogenesis, in which dark matter consists of topological order, so gapped anyon excitations decay to generate the Standard Model lepton asymmetry. Topological Leptogenesis is in […]
Colloquium Speaker: Nick Trefethen, Harvard University Title: Rational approximation and the AAA algorithm Approximation by rational functions used to be mainly a theoretical subject, but with the introduction of the AAA algorithm in 2018, it became computationally practical and indeed easy. The implications for what we can do numerically are enormous. This talk will outline […]
General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Gilbert Weinstein, Ariel University Title: The mass angular momentum inequality Abstract: We show that either there is a counterexample to black hole uniqueness, in the form of a regular axisymmetric stationary vacuum spacetime with an asymptotically flat end and multiple degenerate horizons which is ‘ADM stable’, or the following statement holds. […]
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Sunghyuk Park, Harvard CMSA Title: Blob homology
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Subir Sachdev, Harvard University Topic: What is a quantum critical region?
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Speaker: Wenjun Niu, Perimeter Institute Title: Quantum algebras and R-matrices from the equivariant affine Grassmannians Abstract: In this talk, I will explain my joint work with R. Abedin, in which we construct, for each Lie algebra g, a Hopf algebra and a spectral R-matrix satisfying quantum Yang-Baxter equation. This […]
Freedman CMSA Seminar *via Zoom* Speaker: Sergey Melikhov, Steklov Math Institute Title: Is every knot isotopic to the unknot? Abstract: The following problem was stated by D. Rolfsen in his 1974 paper; according to R. Daverman it was being discussed since the mid-60s. Is every knot in $S^3$ isotopic (=homotopic through embeddings) to a PL knot --- […]
Joint BHI/CMSA Foundation Seminar Location: BHI seminar room Speaker: Noa Zilberman (Princeton University) Title: Quantum Effects Inside Black Holes Abstract: Astrophysical black holes are known to be rotating. Within classical General Relativity, the simplest spacetime solution (the Kerr solution) describing a rotating black hole reveals a traversable passage through an inner horizon – which in […]
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Mario De Marco (UL Brussels) Title: On 5d conformal matter Abstract: SCFTs with 8 supercharges lie at the sweet spot of the classification program of susy scale-invariant theories: with this amount of susy, the classification is in principle achievable, despite being non-trivial. In this talk, I will present […]
Colloquium Speaker: Michael Douglas, Harvard CMSA Title: AI in math and theoretical physics: status and prospects Abstract: AI is making great progress and has the potential to change how we work in unprecedented ways. In this talk I will survey a few recent works which illustrate the state of the art, some from my own research, […]