Math and Machine Learning Program Discussion
CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesMath and Machine Learning Program Discussion
Math and Machine Learning Program Discussion
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Laura DeMarco, Harvard University Topic: What is Teichmuller geometry and why is it important?
Topics in Deep Learning Theory Eli Grigsby
Quantum Field Theory and Physical Mathematics Seminar Speaker: Brian Williams, Boston University Title: Dolbeault Virasoro algebra and M5 branes Abstract: The worldvolume theory on a stack of M5 branes in M-theory is superconformal. We propose a conjecture that in the holomorphic twist of the theory on a stack of M5 branes an infinite-dimensional enhancement of […]
Math and Machine Learning Program Discussion
Member Seminar Speaker: Keyou Zeng Title: Scattering Amplitude from a Twistor Point of View Abstract: Scattering amplitude is a key quantity in quantum field theory. Although challenging to compute at higher loops and for large particle numbers, physicists have developed various tools to gain a deeper understanding of amplitudes. In this seminar, I will introduce […]
Math and Machine Learning Program Discussion
General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Christoph Kehle, MIT Title: Gravitational collapse to extremal Reissner-Nordström and the third law of black hole thermodynamics Abstract: In this talk, I will present a proof that extremal Reissner-Nordström black holes can form in finite time in gravitational collapse of charged matter. In particular, this construction provides a definitive disproof of […]
Topics in Deep Learning Theory Eli Grigsby
Geometry and Quantum Theory Seminar Speaker: Mayuko Yamashita, Kyoto University Title: Topological Modular Forms, its equivariant refinements and relation with supersymmetric quantum field theories Abstract: This talk is about the Segal-Stolz-Teichner program, which is one of the most deep and interesting topics relating homotopy theory and physics. Mathematically, they propose a geometric model of TMF, […]
Math and Machine Learning Program Discussion
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Nazim Bouatta (HMS) Topic: What are AlphaFold2 and OpenFold