Bakry-Emery theory and renormalisation


Probability Seminar Speaker: Roland Bauerschmidt (Cambridge) Title: Bakry-Emery theory and renormalisation Abstract: I will discuss an approach to log-Sobolev inequalities that combines the Bakry-Emery theory with renormalisation and present several applications. These include log-Sobolev inequalities with polynomial dependence for critical Ising models on Z^d when d>4 and singular SPDEs with uniform dependence of the log-Sobolev […]

Manifold Fitting: An Invitation to Statistics

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Probability Seminar Speaker: Zhigang Yao (Harvard CMSA/National University of Singapore) Title: Manifold Fitting: An Invitation to Statistics Abstract: This manifold fitting problem can go back to H. Whitney’s work in the early 1930s (Whitney (1992)), and finally has been answered in recent years by C. Fefferman’s works (Fefferman, 2006, 2005). The solution to the Whitney extension problem […]

Thresholds for edge colorings


Probability Seminar Speaker: Vishesh Jain (University of Illinois Chicago) Title: Thresholds for edge colorings Abstract: We show that if each edge of the complete bipartite graph K_{n,n} is given a random list of C(\log n) colors from , then with high probability, there is a proper edge coloring where the color of each edge comes […]

On the free energy of spin glasses with multiple types


Probability Seminar Speaker: Jean-Christophe Mourrat (ENS Lyon) Title: On the free energy of spin glasses with multiple types Abstract: In the simplest spin-glass model, due to Sherrington and Kirkpatrick, the energy function involves interaction terms between all pairs of spins. A bipartite version of this model can be obtained by splitting the spins into two […]

Some rigorous results on the Lévy spin glass model


Probability Seminar Speaker: Wei-Kuo Chen (Minnesota) Title: Some rigorous results on the Lévy spin glass model Abstract: The Lévy spin glass model, proposed by Cizeau-Bouchaud, is a mean-field model defined on a fully connected graph, where the spin interactions are formulated through a power-law distribution. This model is well-motivated from the study of the experimental metallic spin […]

Sampling from the SK and mixed p-spin measures with stochastic localization

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Probability Seminar Speaker: Ahmed El Alaoui (Cornell) Title: Sampling from the SK and mixed p-spin measures with stochastic localization Abstract: I will present an algorithm which efficiently samples from the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) measure with no external field at high temperature. The approach is based on the stochastic localization process of Eldan, together with a subroutine for […]

Localization for random band matrices

Harvard Science Center 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA

Probability Seminar *Please note room change: Science Center 232* Speaker: Ron Peled (Tel Aviv University) Title: Localization for random band matrices Abstract: I will explain an approach via "an adaptive Mermin-Wagner style shift" which proves localization of N x N Gaussian random band matrices with band width W satisfying W << N^{1/4}. Joint work with Giorgio Cipolloni, Jeffrey […]

Unexpected Uses of Neural Networks: Field Theory and Metric Flows  

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: James Halverson (Northeastern University)   Title: Unexpected Uses of Neural Networks: Field Theory and Metric Flows Abstract:  We are now quite used to the idea that deep neural networks may be trained in a variety of ways to tackle cutting-edge problems in physics and mathematics, sometimes leading to rigorous results. In this talk, however, I will argue […]

Large deviations of Selberg’s central limit theorem

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Probability Seminar Speaker: Emma Bailey (CUNY) Title: Large deviations of Selberg’s central limit theorem Abstract: Selberg’s CLT concerns the typical behaviour of the Riemann zeta function and shows that the random variable $\Re \log \zeta(1/2 + i t)$, for a uniformly drawn $t$, behaves as a Gaussian random variable with a particular variance.  It is […]

Diagonalizing Transition Matrices of Card Shuffles

Science Center 232 Harvard Science Center, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138

Probability Seminar Speaker: Evita Nestoridi (Stonybrook) Title: Diagonalizing Transition Matrices of Card Shuffles Abstract: In their seminal work, Diaconis and Shahshahani used representation theory of the symmetric group to diagonalize the transition matrix of random transpositions. More recently, Dieker and Saliola introduced another technique to diagonalize the random-to-random card shuffle. In this talk we will […]

Boundary current fluctuations for the half space ASEP

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Probability Seminar Speaker: Jimmy He (MIT) Title: Boundary current fluctuations for the half space ASEP Abstract: The half space asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) is an interacting particle system on the half line, with particles allowed to enter/exit at the boundary. I will discuss recent work on understanding fluctuations for the number of particles in the half space […]

Random Neural Networks

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Probability Seminar Speaker: Boris Hanin (Princeton) Title: Random Neural Networks Abstract: Fully connected neural networks are described two by structural parameters: a depth L and a width N. In this talk, I will present results and open questions about the asymptotic analysis of such networks with random weights and biases in the regime where N (and potentially […]