Grey Galaxy’ as the endpoint of the Kerr-AdS super radiant blackhole

Jefferson 453 17 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, MA

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Suman Kundu (Weizmann Institute) Title: ‘Grey Galaxy’ as the endpoint of the Kerr-AdS super radiant blackhole Abstract: Kerr AdS$_{d+1}$ black holes for $d\geq 3$ suffer from classical superradiant instabilities over a range of masses near extremality. We conjecture that these instabilities settle down into Grey Galaxies (GG)s - a new class of […]

Pole skipping, quasinormal modes, shockwaves and their connection to chaos General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Diandian Wang(Harvard University) Title: Pole skipping, quasinormal modes, shockwaves and their connection to chaos Abstract: A chaotic quantum system can be studied using the out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC). I will tell you about pole skipping — a recently discovered feature of the retarded Green’s function — that seems to also know things: things like the Lyapunov […]

Geometry at Strong coupling for amplitudes/Wilson loops General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Lionel Mason (Oxford) Title: Geometry at Strong coupling for amplitudes/Wilson loops Abstract: The amplitude/Wilson loop correspondence identifies planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills amplitudes with certain null polygonal Wilson loops at all the values of the coupling. At strong coupling this equates the amplitude/Wilson loop computed by Alday & Maldacena in terms of […]

Quantization of causal diamonds in 2+1 dimensional gravity General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Rodrigo Silva, University of Maryland Title: Quantization of causal diamonds in 2+1 dimensional gravity Abstract: We develop the reduced phase space quantization of causal diamonds in $2+1$ dimensional gravity with a nonpositive cosmological constant. The system is defined as the domain of dependence of a spacelike topological disk with a […]

A Smooth Horizon without a Smooth Horizon

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Chethan Krishnan (IISc Bangalore) Title: A Smooth Horizon without a Smooth Horizon Abstract: I will talk about some work that is about to appear, where we note one precise way in which the stretched horizon can simulate a smooth horizon. I will also make an effort to put things in some perspective (brickwalls, […]

Tidal Squeezing of Black Holes

General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Maria Rodriguez (Utah) Title: Tidal Squeezing of Black Holes Abstract: Recent developments indicate that Kerr black holes do not deform when perturbed by a static external gravitational field. Relying on hidden symmetries, compelling progress has been achieved to explain that Love numbers for Kerr black holes vanish. How does the phenomenon of tidal squeezing manifest in broader […]

Resolving memory in numerical relativity, and fixing BMS frames for modeling General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Leo Stein (Mississippi) Title: Resolving memory in numerical relativity, and fixing BMS frames for modeling Abstract: Numerical relativity waveforms serve as ground truth for detection and parameter estimation of binary black hole mergers. Most NR waveforms to date miss memory effects, as they were extracted from simulations using an approximation called extrapolation. I […]

Fluid stabilization in slowly expanding cosmological spacetime

Hybrid - G10 General Relativity Seminar Speaker: David Fajman (Vienna) Title: Fluid stabilization in slowly expanding cosmological spacetime Abstract: Relativistic fluids are known to form shocks during their evolution from near-homogeneous initial data. In expanding spacetimes, shock formation is suppressed, if the expansion is sufficiently strong. We refer to this effect as fluid stabilization. The occurrence of this phenomenon depends […]

Quasi-Local Mass in a Binary Black Hole Merger

Virtual General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Daniel Kolb (Max Planck Institute) Title: Quasi-Local Mass in a Binary Black Hole Merger Abstract: One of the major open problems in classical general relativity is how one should define the mass of a finite region of space. In this talk, we will investigate a promising definition proposed by Wang and […]

Remarkable symmetries of rotating black holes General Relativity Seminar Speaker: David Kubiznak (Charles University) Title: Remarkable symmetries of rotating black holes Abstract: It is well known that the Kerr geometry admits a non-trivial Killing tensor and its 'square root' known as the Killing-Yano tensor. These two objects stand behind Carter's constant of geodesic motion as well as allow for separability of test […]

The Feynman propagator and self-adjointness

Virtual General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Andras Vasy (Stanford) Title: The Feynman propagator and self-adjointness Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the Feynman and anti-Feynman inverses for wave operators on certain Lorentzian manifolds; these are two inverses which from a microlocal analysis perspective are more natural than the standard causal (advanced/retarded) ones. For instance, for the spectral family […]

Event Series General Relativity Seminar

A quasi-local mass in general relativity

CMSA Room G10 CMSA, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United States General Relativity Seminar Speaker: Aghil Alaee, Clark University Title: A quasi-local mass in general relativity Abstract: In this talk, we define a new gauge-independent quasi-local mass and energy with respect to the Minkowski spacetime. In contrast to other quasi-local masses, this new quasi-local mass/energy has a quasi-local proof of positivity. This positivity property is for spacelike surfaces with any topology.  Moreover, we show […]