CMSA Q&A Seminar: Anurag Anshu
Common Room, CMSA 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesCMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Anurag Anshu, Harvard University Topic: What is quantum complexity theory?
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Anurag Anshu, Harvard University Topic: What is quantum complexity theory?
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Michael Douglas, Harvard CMSA Topic: What is Argyres-Douglas theory?
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Michael Freedman, Harvard CMSA Topic: Broad perspective on manifolds: all dimensions, all structures, classification and dynamics
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Dan Freed, Harvard Mathematics & CMSA Topic: What are topological phases of matter?
Open Discussion/Tea
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Nazim Bouatta (HMS) Topic: What are AlphaFold2 and OpenFold
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Laura DeMarco, Harvard University Topic: What is Teichmuller geometry and why is it important?
Open Discussion/Tea
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Cliff Taubes, Harvard Mathematics Topic: What are Z/2 harmonic 1-forms?
Open Discussion/Tea
Open Discussion/Tea
CMSA Q&A Seminar Speaker: Noam Elkies, Harvard Math Topic: How to show E8 and Leech lattices have optimal sphere packings?